Solasta has terrible graphics and is very linear but does 5e right and the fights are more fun. What BG3 could learn from it.
1. Auto-party Jump
2. Dodge, Ready, Reactions and Disengage
3. Self-Built party that still has roleplaying and interaction
4. World map, random encounters, limited camps
5.Rolling For stats. Though I know it throws off balance horribly as people will roll 2000 times for their ideal as many 18s as possible.
6. Unique feats and Subclasses for the setting. Green mage was very fun to play.
1. No, different strength equals different jump heights and distances which is used to lock off secret areas and means an 8 str character can’t just leap to the top a mountain for high ground advantage.
2. More complexity for an already complex game that would add what exactly other than being more like DND? Their goal isn’t a die hard dnd replica, its a fun and enjoyable game that millions will love, not just dnd players.
3. They have already said mercenaries will be available
4. There is a world map already in the game you can see....random encounters if they happen at all(bg2 did not have them) then they will surely appear when traveling over the world map to different areas. This is normal difficulty, limited rest may be added or will be saved for harder difficulties.
5. No, people would just install auto rollers and cheese through the game. Just mod your save file or download a hack if normal limits make it too hard for you.
6. The more they add or change from standard dnd the more complaints they seem to receive....can’t have your cake and eat it to.
7. Without a detailed Matt Mercer style map, how would your average DM really show ground effects? This isn’t a ‘not in my dnd’ issue, it’s just something 90% of people do not have the resources to include in their games. It’s a great idea, adds tons to combat and terrain in general, and would be way more prevalent in tabletop except for the complexity of using it.