Paying for EA to help Larian develop the game is a two way favor. The player gets to taste the cake while Larian gets much needed data in the hopes of creating a great legacy title. Larian have made great titles and I am sure they are working on the D&D rule issues bothering many players. I myself trust the devs as outside other game devs as they were genuinely giddy about the idea of creating BG3. The support and after care they shown DOS2 after release was above and beyond imo and I am sure they don't want to go down in history in destroying one of the last legacy franchises that haven't been chucked in the SJW underdark.

Listening to the players and showing them they genuinely care about creating a D&D title to rival the BG of the past will endear the playerbase. As such "can do no wrong" in the players eyes should be the goal of all devs, with dedicated fans comes $$$$$$$$. I never pay for a product before it is finished but to support a BG game I have been waiting on for 20 years? There you go!!! Make it great or Ill lose all hope in gaming.

Am I hopeful I will get my money's worth? 100%


Just looking forward to the next big content update. I don't care about romance dialogue options, I already smashed the clerics head in....then ate her. The gith is on thin ice and the vampire has already been sold to the bounty hunter so I don't have to listen to the clowns melodrama. Gale ate my book so I killed him and knicked his scroll. The blade guy I left with the druids as 5 seconds into convo I was like.....narr he would be dead faster than shadowsplat. Give me a 7 foot tall half-ork barbarian lapdancer or a Drow pale master with an aim to kill her matriarch or something. Mmmm maybe a Drow druid that can shapeshift into a Lolith spider.....