Originally Posted by Arideya

Originally Posted by DanteYoda

I disliked Pathfinder because of the same issues BG3 is having the rules were too homebrew and the odd story aspects between gameplay really broke my immersion during the campaign...

Aren't PK rules basically D&D 3.5, which are as homebrew as BG1 and BG2 "brewed" the 2e?

Sure, like an Ancient red dragon is basically a big lizard that happens to breath fire. laugh

It´s technically a homebrew because it uses the SRD rules of 3.5 , but Manual has over 300 pages and PF has over 10 rulebooks, with a whole new world, lore, +20races, +30classes, +50feats, +7combat maneouvers, abilities, +100 monsters and many campaigns so it´s a hell of a "homebrew".

You could also say Kotor games are basically D&D3.5 with starships because they use 3.5 SRD too. You can do pretty different games with the same d20 base.