Joined: Sep 2020
Okay so I made it to level four, and continued on my way, and then when i got enough xp to hit level 5 it says "max level reached". You need to increase the level cap, There is no reason for me to continue to play if I am going to be wasting my XP. I do not even think I have finished act 1, which was supposed to be the full content of the early releases, why would you arbitrarily limit level to four?
Also some of the costs of equipment is too high, I should be able to buy boots and a helmet for my guys to look super cool for less than 1200 gold.
Joined: Jan 2018
A potential factor for limiting the level to 4 is that higher level spells and abilities aren’t uniformly implemented into the game yet, so their exclusion would not be arbitrary.
Was the only reason you played the game gathering exp? Not to explore or complete quests or fight in battles? Because you can do all of these without gaining more exp just fine.
Joined: Oct 2020
And there will be a wipe before going live so all xp/gear/progress will be gone. So if you do continue to play you wont be loosing out on the xp as you will have to start over.
Joined: Oct 2020
We were told multiple times that there will be level cap ... If you didnt listen, that is to you. -_-
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Hahaha, you paid for your equipment lol.
Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don’t like the lack of information regarding the level cap either.
Realistically, this game is at least a year, if not longer, away from release. I can make level 4 by almost only killing kagha and group in the druids cove. If I stop earning xp shortly after that, it could cause problems down the road making me 2-3 levels lower than what is needed to go further in the game at some point after more content is released. If I’m stuck (I say stuck because I don’t feel the game should have been released in its current state) playing this game with slowly raised level caps as content is released over the next year to 2 years, it’s going to become a factor. Players need to know if xp is still being earned and banked, and they can level immediately as the cap is increased, or if a year from now when the game still isn’t fully released yet, are players going to be forced to scrap the last year they’ve put into the game because they re too low level to be able to progress in the game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
As stated above. The level cap is as advertised, as is the available content. Also as stated above, per the full release your savegame will be unusable. You will have to start over to play the full release, potentially, even, another patch. Also as advertised.
Therefore, you're supposed to play what is currently available with the levels available.
Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
Joined: Oct 2020
As stated above. The level cap is as advertised, as is the available content. Also as stated above, per the full release your savegame will be unusable. You will have to start over to play the full release, potentially, even, another patch. Also as advertised.
Therefore, you're supposed to play what is currently available with the levels available. What I’m wanting to see is some elaboration on what to expect as act 2 & 3 are developed and released. I am fully aware, that upon the completed full release of the game that previously saved data will not be usable. I have read Lorian’s early access release statement several times, and there isn’t any mention of what happens to game data prior to the games full release as new content is released in the early access release. I think it’s only fair for Lorian to provide further insight regarding how saved data and level caps will be managed as new content is introduced. I’d like to know if as new content is released (not meaning patches for bug fixes) I should expect to start from the beginning each time, or if my saved game data will available throughout the early access until the full release. This will greatly impact my play style throughout the early access. Knowing which way this will be handled before hand will likely save players a lot of frustration and prevent an incredible amount of venting in the public forums. This is Lorian’s statement regarding early access content. There isn’t any mention of how saved game data or level caps will be managed. What is the current state of the Early Access version? “The Early Access version of Baldur’s Gate 3 includes Act 1 of the game which, in one playthrough, is approximately 25 hours of self-contained content. 6 player classes are supported and 9 races/subraces with more to be added later. There are 5 origin characters which you can recruit (but not play as for now). Most of Baldur’s Gate 3’s advertised features are included though some are still work in progress. Not every language is currently supported, as our writers are still developing the game which makes translation difficult. We’ve worked hard to release an Early Access version that feels complete, fun to play, and has as little stub (unfinished) content as possible. There are bugs and there will be changes to content (often based on player feedback), but our goal is to already now give you something that’s genuinely fun to play.”
Joined: Dec 2016
Act 2 and beyond be accessible in early access. It's as simple as that.
Joined: Oct 2020
Okay so I made it to level four, and continued on my way, and then when i got enough xp to hit level 5 it says "max level reached". You need to increase the level cap, There is no reason for me to continue to play if I am going to be wasting my XP. I do not even think I have finished act 1, which was supposed to be the full content of the early releases, why would you arbitrarily limit level to four?
Also some of the costs of equipment is too high, I should be able to buy boots and a helmet for my guys to look super cool for less than 1200 gold. Good news. You won't get to keep your character, so all your XP is wasted. The limit isn't "arbitrary", DnD has a power curve where every 5 levels you get a massive boost. So 1-4 is a "low" sort of power level. I suspect by release the xp curve will be different, and you might not reach lvl4 quite as soon. As for price of gear: The cost is reasonable, the gear has powerful effects which shouldn't be handed out willy nilly. Act 2 and beyond be accessible in early access. It's as simple as that. It might be later, but right now the game isn't finished. And I doubt we'll get the full game until the official release. This is game testing to get the mechanics of the game great. You don't really need to have more levels or lots of content to figure out if "cunning actions for everyone" is a bad idea. (It is Larian, it is). Once they have nailed the design ideas, and also polished bugs etc, then the game is ready to ship.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Adding level 5 is a lot of work. Lots of spells to code, animate, test, etc. Plus extra attacks, which they may not yet have a polished solution for. I think they'll raise the cap to 5 once it's ready to be tested.
Joined: Sep 2017
"Higher level cap is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to" -Read it with the voice of Gandalf.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't think we are going to get any more story content until the full release . . ie no continuation beyond what we already have. I do expect additional races and classes will be added and hope that level 5 will be unlocked. Clearly the early access Act 1 supports level 5 and at some point it makes sense to release and test it.
Joined: Oct 2020
Adding level 5 is a lot of work. Lots of spells to code, animate, test, etc. Plus extra attacks, which they may not yet have a polished solution for. I think they'll raise the cap to 5 once it's ready to be tested. The rumor is that the full game will be capped at level 10-ish, maybe one or two more. And there will apparently be three Acts in the game. It wouldn't make much sense to reach level 5 in Act 1, which would be half the available levels and only a third of the content. Not unless the leveling curve is greatly stretched out across those remaining two Acts. I know there is a tradition in RPG's of accelerating the first few levels to give the player a taste of the mechanics and then dragging out the later level advancement. It just seems a bit extreme to reach level 5 a third of the way into the game, unless the final level cap is around 15 or so..
Joined: Jan 2018
Adding level 5 is a lot of work. Lots of spells to code, animate, test, etc. Plus extra attacks, which they may not yet have a polished solution for. I think they'll raise the cap to 5 once it's ready to be tested. The rumor is that the full game will be capped at level 10-ish, maybe one or two more. And there will apparently be three Acts in the game. It wouldn't make much sense to reach level 5 in Act 1, which would be half the available levels and only a third of the content. Not unless the leveling curve is greatly stretched out across those remaining two Acts. I know there is a tradition in RPG's of accelerating the first few levels to give the player a taste of the mechanics and then dragging out the later level advancement. It just seems a bit extreme to reach level 5 a third of the way into the game, unless the final level cap is around 15 or so.. That’s not a rumor. Larian originally outright said that the original level cap was 10 but that they have since increased it. We don’t have any clues what the new cap is aside that it isn’t level 20.
Last edited by Warlocke; 29/10/20 03:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm having trouble understanding what players thing EA is. Larian was very upfront about how this EARLY ACCESS portion of the game was going to be released. We are currently playing the rough draft. Literally. The graphics, the skills, the spells, the content... None of it is probably going to stay in its current state upon full release. I do remember reading about the level cap in one of the Larian articles, so yes, it was advertised. Why should you continue to play the game after that? To make it better. Even if you don't post suggestions, or bug fixes on the forums, Larian is collecting information just from you playing the Early Access portion of the game. In a sense, we should all be trying to break it, find exploits, etc, then telling Larian about them, so they can be rectified. Will they actually fix those particular issues, who knows, i do know that as a game developer, their list of issues to work on is growing, so patience is needed.
I guess my point here, is that this game was never advertised as a full release, or even a demo. It is, as I said a rough draft, and chances are everything is going to change, at least somewhat by the time they are done.
Joined: Sep 2020
Okay so a few responses:
Yes I only played the Early Access to level and see how the game played. It is bad enough that when the full game is released i will have to complete the entire first act again. I have about 70 hours of played time on the game, and I have restarted enough times that i can basically get to the goblin camp in about 6 hours, because i don't have to waste time exploring areas where there is nothing worth going after,and I already know exactly how to defeat the encounters. If I stop now, I can save the rest of the content as "new" content.
As far as an advertised level cap; why would you arbitrarily set it to four, if you could hit level 5 or 6 or even higher in act 1, which was supposed to be FULLY AVAILABLE.
Why would set level four as an arbitrarily level cap when there are level 5 mobs?
A plain steal helmet, gloves, and boots should not cost 1200 gold.
yes I bought my gear. Why would i want to steal everything? What is the purpose of having gold if not to spend it?
Last edited by C_Corday; 29/10/20 05:19 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
yes I bought my gear. Why would i want to steal everything? What is the purpose of having gold if not to spend it?
Some of us are like dragons.... we like to horde.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
There is an absurd amount of money and items available in the current content. Cost of any items you want to buy is irrelevant if you actually explore and loot.
Joined: Oct 2020
We don’t have any clues what the new cap is aside that it isn’t level 20.
How do you know it isn't 20? wiki shows spells upto 20.
63% of all statistics are completely made up ~ Abraham Lincoln