So many points of pointlessness. You guys don’t have a clue what you’re talk about. Just off the top of my head, Gobljns can only be CR1 dependent on weapons? I don’t think you understand CR. It’s a DnD game cause there are dice rolls and turned based combat? So? Pathfinder is turn based and dice based, it’s not DnD. This game has its good points (ya know like me pointing out not having dark vision and missing) but it’s got so much bad. But hey you guys keep grinding Larians Lap, I’m sure they are going to pay for it soon. My point was this game’s bad outweigh the good. There is time to make it better. Time for us to ask for better. There is a list out there right now, that’s about 80 items long that point out how this is too much of a re-skin of D:OS. But yeah I was off by 1hp about a 2d6...2-12......then why is the majority of the Goblin camp 18-24? I guess you just need to validate my post, not look into what people are saying. Grow up kids! People are trying to make sure we aren’t getting a BS D:OS game and a much closer to DND experience. Why don’t you go take mommy’s credit card and go rack up micro transactions on forkknife so you can make your character gloss dance and continue to ruin the gaming industry.

Last edited by Vekkares; 29/10/20 11:15 PM.