Virion, I disagree a little.
I think Obsidian could have done it.
And even if they bankrupt (what I'm not aware of) he doesn't mean a lot.
In fact, PoE 2 was far way better than PoE.
I need years and a new game to end PoE 1 but I played several games of PoE 2. I really advise people who was... lukewarm (hope it's the good word) after PoE 1 to try PoE 2. It's... the same but better. More colorfull and pleasant to play (from my point of view...).

Yet, you can't compare pahtfinder kingmaker sells to DoS 2 sells.
DoS 2 was a 2 and so take advantage fo this point,
as BG3 take a big advantage of being the third of a legendary serie.
I wont say Owl company would have be fit for BG3 but I could have said or even say that, maybe, obsidian would have been more appropriate.

To conclude, I, personnally, regret having purchasing the EA. I would still buy the game later but I feel like I have support something really far from what I was expecting.
And, even if the game is good and fun, I really don't think it will redefine the cRPGs. Firstly because this feels a lot like DOS (so DoS can be seen as a redefining game), secondly because, even if the game is a success, it's obivous now that many peoples feel betrayed by their game design.
So maybe I'm wonrg but I strongly doubt that this BG3 will become a reference. It'll be at least a good game but I would be surprised, for now, if it becomes something as legendary as BG1,2 or Witcher or wasteland or etc.