Look we are in alpha of the game still. I think Larian will listen to everyone who say "Make it more like DnD 5e".
Larian is the right studio for this, they just need to realize how the 5e rules work.

What larian isn't the right studio for though is Baldur's Gate die hards who'd much rather just have the same game with better graphics. And no BG1 and 2 weren't great examples of how to translate DnD to the computer, they were okay examples. I would argue that if Larian just implements the darn Players Handbook rules as written, keeps some of their house rules, then you'll have a game that's a hell of a lot closer to the table top game than BG1 ever was. BG1 was a good game, especially great for it's time, but it made sacrifices to the computer god too.