Honestly I don't want Baldur's Gate 3 to be like BG 1 or BG 2. The original Baldur's Gate games were groundbreaking for their time, and I love them dearly. But they don't hold up that well anymore. Plenty of sketchy game mechanics and rule changes, lots of shallow characters, cheesy writing and poor voice acting, less than inspired story in some areas, timed quests you could fail. etc. And I'm tired of being the spawn of a god.
If BG 2 were being critiqued on these forums it would be getting roasted for all the same issues people are complaining about now and then some.
I want a great RPG adventure with D&D rules and setting . . . which it is. It actually give me Dragon Age Origins vibes. And that's a great thing!
gotta say that music is epic!
Last edited by trengilly; 30/10/20 07:20 AM.