I think that with first person it is easier to feel like I am present in the physical space and experience the immediacy of certain situations. If I am role playing a character, however, I’m not imagining that I am there. I Imagine what it is like to be this distinct character who is not me, and personally I find that it helps to see that character inhabiting that space. Plus, a big part of being a character in that world is deciding how my character looks in that world.
This exactly. In first person I feel like I'm in the story. In 3rd person I can see and experience the character that I'm role-playing and telling the story of.
As for pixelated butts . . . well if you are playing 3rd person you have to stare at something. No I mix it up . . . usually playing the character that feels better for the story. Mass Effect Femshep I felt fit the story better and I preferred Jennifer Hale's VA. Same for Assassins Creed Odyssey . . . Cassandra was just better voiced and acted. But for Assassin's Creed Valhalla I'm absolutely going with the guy . . . much prefer his acting. For games like Baldur's Gate 3 I'll be making multiple playthroughs so will mix race/class/gender just for variety and to experience different parts of the story.