Originally Posted by N7Greenfire
Yeah no. They are translating pnp to a 3 d world, you want fully authentic pnp on the compute get tabletop simulator

It's funny because I don't agree at all ! ^^"

Maybe I'm wrong but as I see it, it's...

The developers who did BG1 and 2 just think about developing a good game, fun, based on D&D but with all the advantages a video game could brought (D&D was an inspiration, the major point was doing great).

It looks like the developers who are doing BG3 are focusing on creating a game which will be a D&D game and a DoS style game, forgetting the advantages a video game can brought (BG looks like an inspiration and the major looks like to be implementing D&D and Dos system).

I know my english is terrible but I hope you will get my point.

When looking for developping an amazing game thx to the knowledge of D&D seems like a good idea.
Overthinking and trying to give life to a pure copy/past of pen and paper D&D miwed with DoS system in a video game may be a bad idea.

How I iamgine the guys now and bach then ( with a major disagreement) :
The original devs may have think :
- hey guys ! Imagine, we are going to do a game with real fights ! It's gonna be soooo cool ! Finally we are going to be able to experience fights in reality time ! no need for GM or pen and paper, it's gonna be all in real time, draw your sword and cast your spell !
- but it's gonna be messy ? We wont be able to control all our characters at the same time...
- NP, we will used pause to give orders when needed and that's all ! Real fights, dudes !
- Damn right dude, real fights ! It's gonna be awesome !

The actual devs may be thinking
- hey guys. We have to re-do it as a pen and paper game, ok ?
- but we keep the real time fights ?
- Dude ! Forget about real times. We love turn-based so it's gonna be turn-based !
- But it wont be as epic and flowing than before ?
- Who cares ! We did turn-based games, so we'll do it again ! Because this is how D&D worked !
- But with a computer we could recreate huge fights against hords of goblins, kobolds, gnolls,...
- Shut up Bobby ! It's gonna be turn-based, they will never be more than 5 ennemies and that's all !
- But what if we really need to have more than 5 ennemies ?
- I don't care Bobby ! Gamers will have to wait !
- Are you not afraid ti will be a little long and boring so ?
- But the previous games...
- You're fired Bobby.
- ...meh. "

Of course, it's just my opinion ! (but, at least, I make myslef laugh xD)