I feel the same way about first person as many of you. I don't feel like I'm my character when I can't see them, and especially yes all of that customization of my character that I want. I feel disconnected, both from my character and even from the world since I can only see the world from one rather limited perspective. But I'm not at all wedded to isometric either. I feel third-person (with a freely movable camera) is actually the most optimal.

For Avowed, I am quite confident we will get the option of third-person. Obsidian's current game, Grounded, which was developed before MS bought them up, is also first-person. They received many calls from people asking for a third-person option, to which the developers actually responded on the forum saying they would love to have that option in the game but don't have the budget for it. So budget was the only reason for not including optional third-person. But now they have MS's money. smile

Re. "Witcher 4," yeah the "consensus" among fans and gaming journos seems to be the game will be based on Ciri. I also am not too thrilled about that (nothing to do with gender, btw). I just don't find her character to have enough there to fill out even one story-rich game let alone a trilogy. And, there's talk that in a Ciri game they can use her power to be able to teleport to any world to have us go "world-hopping." I HATE world-hopping as a game concept.