Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by Sadurian
Ah well, this IS the General area of the forum. Pretty much anything goes. I quote; "Theories, ideas, concerns, speculation, links, fan fiction... Your heart's desire!"

I dunno who wrote that (though I'm the guilty party for the other BG3 descriptions) but yeah, as long as there's some vaguely tangential connection it's fine. Otherwise it goes in general chat.

I also think I may have overstated my wisdom score. It should really be that classic Eurovision condemnation except you can't roll a 0 with dice.

Damn, not sure how you managed to dump wisdom below 8 but I am impressed.

As for the forum category...well yeah. The description is kinda what led me here :P

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.