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#723557 31/10/20 03:12 AM
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1. to choose a dialogue option to watch a cutscene
2. feel an accomplishment for watching a cutscene
3. to play this game

I would recommend removing the romance scenes, and anything past a campfire discussion or glass of wine.
There is no need for it in this game, and it only causes individuals to not role play a character in order to watch a cut scene.

I would recommend putting more resources on the Dialogue options for the player character, and overall party companionship options.

This is a D&D game right, so the focus would be better put elsewhere.

my 2cents.

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It's a DnD game.
It's also a RPG, and romance is a part of RP:ing and the romance subplots are dialogue options and can make you more invested in your companions.
Look at how invested people became in the Mass Effect crew members and quite frankly the romances weren't even very well written in those games.

We also don't know the full extent and how they're going to work out in this game right now.
But in DA:O for example the romances changed the story a lot and totally changed how the relation between you and your companions played out in the story.
I dunno what it is with DnD fans trying to gatekeep DnD either, who are you to decide what is and isn't the right reason?
When I played the game first as my Drow Rogue I was drawn in by the Shadowheart romance subplot, it felt natural to me I didn't do it to '' watch a cutscence ''.
Same with Lae'Zel on another playthrough because I was RP:ing my character differently.

Saying that it's unnecessary is quite arbitrary too.
That same logic could be applied to so much, ultimately very little content is absolutely '' necessary '' it's just a bad way of looking at content.

Last edited by Svalr; 31/10/20 03:23 AM.
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I guess, the D&D fans want a better game and less frosting. I am all for the relationship building, companionship, but this is becoming like the games you mentioned and not a representation of what D&D players have been known to experience at a table.

I don't need the adult content in role playing games, like cutscenes. Also the companion should also attempt to concede or adopt to your playstyle as well.

Again it just looks like "Pick the right option to watch a cutscene" and not a good representation of an actual relationship built on trust or acquaintance.

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I also didn't want romance removed, just the cutscenes and pick the option path to romance. I just feel that most individuals want to watch a cut scene more then role playing the situation. Cutscenes are not the only reward.

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You ask for things that hurt the feelings of other players. If you don't like the romance of the game, then just don't think about it, ok? I want a good RPG that is better cast scenes than Dragon Age. Larian is doing well (so far), they need support and advice on how to do better, not suggestions to remove cast scenes.

Role-playing in a fantasy world with the changes that you wrote = sh*t, "third Fable" level. Do you like Fable 3? Or is the Witcher and Yennefer better?

There are a huge number of players who are very fond of this opportunity, and the game without it will not be a complete immersion.

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Who doesn't like logic.
So are you saying the visuals are the romance or the relationship.
My comments are specific to removing the cutscenes that are normally without words.
Not removing the relationship or "romance"
Just curious.

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Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
Who doesn't like logic.
So are you saying the visuals are the romance or the relationship.
My comments are specific to removing the cutscenes that are normally without words.
Not removing the relationship or "romance"
Just curious.

You can just skip the cast if you find it unpleasant to watch.

It would be nice if we had more dialogue and more opportunities for roleplaying, I'm all for it. If there are also more cast scenes, then this is generally fine. It doesn't have to be the only reward, but it should be too.

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I liked the cutscenes with more then a visual, like the scene with Shadow Heart and the wine totally ok. There is dialogue, history, an opening up of sorts. That I want, just not the stuff beyond PG13, if you get my drift. I just don't see a need for it here. My opinion I guess. I think in the end though most people want the same result, when it comes to getting to know the companions, their history, back story, gaining their trust, and a more personal relationship.

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Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
I liked the cutscenes with more then a visual, like the scene with Shadow Heart and the wine totally ok. There is dialogue, history, an opening up of sorts. That I want, just not the stuff beyond PG13, if you get my drift. I just don't see a need for it here. My opinion I guess. I think in the end though most people want the same result, when it comes to getting to know the companions, their history, back story, gaining their trust, and a more personal relationship.

I knew that PG13 Sweet Heart was created specifically for this. (she's cute, I have nothing against her, but it's just obvious)
In the next thread, you said that you do not like dominant women, so do not interfere with our cast scenes, please smile

Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
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Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
I guess, the D&D fans want a better game and less frosting. I am all for the relationship building, companionship, but this is becoming like the games you mentioned and not a representation of what D&D players have been known to experience at a table.

I don't need the adult content in role playing games, like cutscenes. Also the companion should also attempt to concede or adopt to your playstyle as well.

Again it just looks like "Pick the right option to watch a cutscene" and not a good representation of an actual relationship built on trust or acquaintance.

No, you're just trying to gatekeep who and why DnD is for.
Romance is a part of PnP too.
Your experience isn't representative of everyone elses.
You're projecting your own reasoning behind it unto other people, I've never looked at sex scenes or whatever in a game as a reward just a visual representation of what's happening the same as in every other cutscene where something that isn't just standing around talking happens.
Should we remove that too because it's not necessary? Do you think that people don't pick certain options just to watch a certain cutscene play out outside of romance too?
Renegade Shepard in Mass Effect became a meme for a reason.

Why would the companions just adapt to you this early on too, they're their own individuals?
That stuff takes time and a lot of effort, again look at DA:O.
Morrigan can go through a massive character arc where she changes significantly depending on the player but it's something that plays out over the course of the whole game.
Whether it be writing or gameplay-wise, that's something that takes time narratively.

One could make this argument about sex and romance too but I think this has more to do with it being EA and they want to give people a taste and test it out, significant changes would contain spoilers.
And casual sex is a thing too and actually does make sense for some characters and people who are risking their lives and every day could be their last, there's some characters tho where I'd argue that it sorta comes a bit out of nowhere.
But ultimately you're not forced to go through with it, and people are imagining their characters and their relationships with the companions differently.

Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
Who doesn't like logic.
So are you saying the visuals are the romance or the relationship.
My comments are specific to removing the cutscenes that are normally without words.
Not removing the relationship or "romance"
Just curious.

The cutscenes are a visual representation of it and what's happening in the scene...
The same way that seeing your character commit acts of violence is a visual representation of your character being a jerk if you choose to play as an evil character.
You're just choosing to view the sex or kissing scenes specifically as a '' reward '', I don't want to play armchair psychologists all I'll say is that I think that says more about you and your views on sex than the game itself.

Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
I liked the cutscenes with more then a visual, like the scene with Shadow Heart and the wine totally ok. There is dialogue, history, an opening up of sorts. That I want, just not the stuff beyond PG13, if you get my drift. I just don't see a need for it here. My opinion I guess. I think in the end though most people want the same result, when it comes to getting to know the companions, their history, back story, gaining their trust, and a more personal relationship.

A personal relationship and sex are not mutually exclusive...
For most people they're in fact very heavily connected, people generally don't stay in relationships with each other unless they're physically attracted to each other and relationships without sex don't tend to last long.
Not to mention that we're talking about people who are risking their lives and every day might be their last, adrenaline, excitement and sex are quite heavily connected too ( and alcohol if you want to talk about the camp thing specifically, for better or for worse ).
And I don't see you arguing that the game should be PG13 in general, you're very specifically honing in on the sex and I am guessing nudity too.
It's just totally arbitrary whether there is a '' need '' for it or not.
If you don't feel like it's '' necessary '' no one is forcing you to watch it.

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They are role-playing someone thirst for that character, its honestly the most authentic rp you can get

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Ah, I should have read this post before I responded to the one where you were complaining about the fact that Shadowheart and Lae'zel are unattractive to you because strong women intimidate you.
This makes much more sense now.

We don't need to get rid of everything that isn't personally suited to us.
Let people enjoy things.

I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.

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Like the points you are making, but again you are assuming so much.
Let's just say I would rather have those resources spent on other aspects of the game, like dialogue, and companionship.
If people want to watch some one in the act of love, then fine, but it can be presumed, I don't see those scenes as a reward, but more of a distraction.

You could lead up to it in dialogue or a cutscene, the scene of the act is not required or needed in my opinion.

If you had a choice between better dialogue or a "In the act scene" which would you prefer?

I want better dialogue and a better focus on the role playing elements personally, and can do without the above.

Right now both are absent, so I am voicing some feedback to encourage one resource focus over another.

But we all have our opinions and feedback.

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Originally Posted by Tzelanit
Ah, I should have read this post before I responded to the one where you were complaining about the fact that Shadowheart and Lae'zel are unattractive to you because strong women intimidate you.
This makes much more sense now.

We don't need to get rid of everything that isn't personally suited to us.
Let people enjoy things.

LOL. That's awesome.
Totally not related, but I can see you are trying to "Figure me out"

Oh and attraction starts on the visual so no to Lae, Zel and a maybe to Shadow Heart. I actually found NPC's that were more attractive TBH.

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I for one, like awkward cutscenes because we must all suffer

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Nice, yes we must all suffer much smile

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Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
Like the points you are making, but again you are assuming so much.
Let's just say I would rather have those resources spent on other aspects of the game, like dialogue, and companionship.
If people want to watch some one in the act of love, then fine, but it can be presumed, I don't see those scenes as a reward, but more of a distraction.

You could lead up to it in dialogue or a cutscene, the scene of the act is not required or needed in my opinion.

If you had a choice between better dialogue or a "In the act scene" which would you prefer?

I want better dialogue and a better focus on the role playing elements personally, and can do without the above.

Right now both are absent, so I am voicing some feedback to encourage one resource focus over another.

But we all have our opinions and feedback.

You are talking nonsense.
Firstly, the casts and visuals are closely related to the dialogues, and the dialogues are really very important.

Secondly, I don’t know about you, but I have never jerked off to caste scenes from video games, but they add realism and allow you to completely immerse yourself in the process, to enjoy it. I want to play as my character just as if I were in his place, completely identify myself with him when I play.
Sympathize with him, worry about him, be happy for him, answer in dialogs as I would answer.
To implement all my fantasies both in terms of making decisions in quests and in terms of building romantic relationships with those I like. It can be pg-13, or something completely wild, depending on the situation and the mood when I play.

And in real life, when I have sex, I see a process and not a black screen.
Moreover, there is nothing extremely hardcore for me to be really distracted and jerk off - it's just a visual component of acting out. I'd rather say it pleases my soul. Although, if the game surprised me, it would be funny.
Until not a single RPG game made me jerk off to cast scenes, if Baldurs Gate 3 becomes the first, then I will only applaud. So they really did their best and it deserves respect.

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Having to roll to be dominant or not for certain sex scenes is hilarious, idk, like I appreciate it on a level of where I can laugh at things.

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Originally Posted by Kraydenvar
Having to roll to be dominant or not for certain sex scenes is hilarious, idk, like I appreciate it on a level of where I can laugh at things.

Thank you Larian for not having to throw d20 to obey

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I think that there's a difference between feedback that is all about removing things because you don't like it and taking things away from other people, and '' this is bugged and doesn't work '' or the addition of other options on top of it.
One is kinda just narcissistic and the other is less subjective and limiting for others.

Sex is a part of companionship too, and I don't think that all dialogue needs to be in actual words either.
A lot of dialogue is a matter of action, like the expression '' actions speak louder than words ''.
When you kiss your significant other you're speaking to them without words, it's the same with sex.
It's physical interaction and a form of expression and communication.

And the dialogue of which you speak is written, it's not the same as animated sex or other forms of intimacy.
I really don't think that the dialogue is suffering because of it, if anything there's probably more of it leading up to and following it.
Sex is a part of the roleplaying elements in and of itself and seeing that represented visually is no different than seeing anything else visually represented as a result of dialogue and roleplaying.

And again you just keep arbitrarily focusing on how sex being visually represented is '' unnecessary ''.
Do you apply this same logic to everything else having to do with dialogue and visual representation as a result of that dialogue?
Is it just sex or should kissing and hugging not be animated either?
Do we really need to see characters drinking?
What about the singing scene, is it really necessary to see her sing? They could just save resources and cut to black or have a still image.
Same with other stuff like dragons flying in or fight scenes, might as well just be a cut to black.
Or if you die due to dialogue, it could just be a cut to black too.

Edit: I just totally reject this notion that I have to choose between better dialogue and sex.
It's not even the same people who animate and who write.
If there's an issue with the writing that's on the writers not the animators.

Last edited by Svalr; 31/10/20 05:24 AM.
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