Ok. So it seems that the arguments are based on fanboys vs the OG BG crowd and a few miscellaneous others. It seems that on 1 side there are those that claim that this game is fundamentally different from DIVOS mechanics wise.

I call these people insane.

I haven't played the game. I have watched the various gameplay videos on Youtube. The dialogue choices, the atmosphere, the combat all feels like DIVOS.

I wasn't stupid enough to buy this game on EA. That isn't my style. I'm not gonna buy something half finished for full price. I never do. I always wait years afterwards until there's many patches out and there are mods out and then I will consider getting it. I have a bit of a life so cRPGs aren't really that much part of it. Currently, coz I was psycked for the game, as BG1 and 2 were my 2 favourite DnD/cRPG games ever, I am replaying BG1 EE and I am really enjoying it. When I watched my first gameplay reveal however, I was sorely disappointed. I was hoping for a true BG game. This isn't it.

It does look good in some places. The close up dialogue is an improvement to just reading it. The opening cinematic was incredible too. However, the world, yes its after 100 years, doesn't feel like Faerun. Its too bright and shiny. No rain or night time. Again, it's EA so these things can be forgiven.

Still, just from an objective non-biased point of view, this game looks more like DOS than BG. They should've just called it some other title. Then, you have no one complaining.

Anyway, here is to hoping some of the dev team reads this. So this is what you do to fix some of the issues:

1. Offer RTwP as an option. I couldn't care less about advantage or disadvantage or extra bonus action or any crap like that. What I liked about BG series was the fact the computer took care of the bullshit dice rolls. I mean the only reason the dice rolling is palatable in real life is coz half the fun of DnD is hanging out with your friends and DM. Recreating this in the virtual world is the stupidest thing in the world. Have any of you tried to play Talisman the boardgame on the computer? It was so boring. Playing with friends in real life is so much fun. Same concept here.

2. Change 4 characters to 6. Less Characters means you can't use tactics and forced to use certain combinations. In BG1, I have the following party: Me: Fighter/Mage/Thief 2. Khalid/Fighter 3.Minsc Ranger 4.Caron Fighter/Thief 5.Jaheira Druid 6.Dynaheir Mage.

I basically have 2 tanks and 2 assassins that I use to take out mages. 6 characters give me so many options and its really been fun with bigger fights against harder foes. 4 characters is so limited.

3. Change the visual aesthetic to be more like BG1/BG2. You don't have to put the Bhaal symbol but if this game is a true sequel which it has to be if it's related story wise to the Bhaal spawn saga, then change the UI to feel more BG and less DIVOS.

4. Weather. Hopefully they add in weather effects when the game is closer to release.

4 simple things to make the game feel more BG. I mean its already too late for my expectations. This game I blame on WoTC. It seems that nowadays your the bad guy if you don't like something that uses a name to invoke nostalgia but then gives you something different and if you don't like it, then it's your fault eg. sequel trilogy of Star Wars, Ghostbusters etc etc.

Sure, a 20 year old game is exactly that. A 20 year old game. What I wanted from something that called itself Baldur's gate was something that used core gameplay elements from the original series and give us something new that modern tech allows.

Things like using environmental effects. Not this BS oil barrells everywhere krap but for specific encounters. DIVOS mechanic of lighting everything on fire isn't really DnD.

I don't like Turn Based games after pcs got good enough to handle RTwP. In the 90s, a lot of ADnD games were turn based. The combat was tactical but the games looked so archaic, turn based combat seem like it fit lol. Other games like 1st Person games like Eye of the Beholder series were great and then when I discovered BG1, it was the best tactical representation of what DnD was about.

When I got a hold of Temple of Elemental Evil, after the 1st encounter, realizing it was turn based turned me off. I don't know why, but it does. Same with DOSII. I like things chaotic. I find when you plan and things work out in the chaos, I feel more satisfaction.

Sending an invisible mage out to fireball an evil group of adventurers, then backing off, letting the tanks hold a line whilst your casters wait behind for the 2 hidden assassins to engage their mages and try to finish them off with backstabs, then casting magic to assist seems like a simple enough plan. But every plan loses viability after contact with the enemy. That's what the BG series was for me.

A quote from Gladiator. "There was a dream that was Rome. This is not it"