Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE
I also didn't want romance removed, just the cutscenes and pick the option path to romance. I just feel that most individuals want to watch a cut scene more then role playing the situation. Cutscenes are not the only reward.

How about let people play their game the way they want to? I do not care about romance in games, perhaps because I tend to rp characters with more important concerns (maybe they just haven't found the "right" one yet. smile ). I would not ask any game to remove this because it is not that important for me. There is a way to skip the scenes if you do not wish to see them. If someone is so interested in a cutscene with a particular character then let them manipulate the game into showing them what they wish to see. Nothing wrong with that either.

I do wonder sometimes if there should be a "sanitized mode" for people who are at risk of small children or insecure significant others walking in on them when they play games. A simple toggle at the start of gameplay so they are never at risk of a sex scene playing.

Originally Posted by SGTSPIRE

Also the companion should also attempt to concede or adopt to your playstyle as well.

This I don't understand at all, especially in relation to the topic. Why should they force themselves to be a certain way to please you? This makes for miserable relationships and is often how an abuser expects their victim to act.

If you mean adaptive AI based on how you engage in combat then this would be awesome, have never played a game with this.