Originally Posted by Frumpkis
Originally Posted by Nyanko
2. Give the AI the ability to use the verticality better

There should be some mobs specialized in jumping up and down very easily to create a sense of emergency. At the moment, you can camp on your roof and you are ok.
I agree with this. Anything the player can do, enemies should be able to do as well. If you can climb on a roof using just manual methods (i.e. not teleporting), then enemy melee fighters should be able to follow you up there. This may be a work in progress with path finding. And maybe the number of inaccessible places you can reach by teleporting with Misty Step should be reduced.

+1. The basic jump ability shouldn't let you reach places that enemies can't reach.

Originally Posted by Eugerome
Originally Posted by Ixal
Except every time when fighting something flying.
Have fun fighting the dragon while getting disadvantage all the time.
True, but then again most dragon fights I had don't involve a dragon flying all the time. Granted, I mostly ran for/played in parties with 1/2 melee oriented PC's.

Once a dragon uses its breath weapon, it's basically useless in the air. I mean, I suppose the DM could have the dragon hover 5 ft above the PCs, use its melee attacks, then fly back up out of their reach..but that would be real frustrating as a player. Although probably the smartest option for the dragon