Judging by what the datamined files say... there was no reason to
not include Helia
and make Halsin this good-looking (and younger) if he wasnt planned for something more than just hanging around your camp. I'd say he looks like a potential romance. But I might be grossly wrong.
As someone who grew up on old Baldur's Gate, I hope they don't touch
Minsc and make his romanceable. He was always a kind-hearted and loyal ranger buddy to my Charname, and I sincerely hope he stays that way. Making him anything more would go into the cringe territory really fast for me. I always felt he had a brain of a child.

So yeah +10 to Halsin romance, he is perfect.

Originally Posted by Nicottia

+1 to starting a massive romance thread, or even better, Ladies of Faerun guild. laugh

I don't know if you played NWN2 Mask of Betrayer, but Astarion is indeed somewhat influenced by Zevran, without a doubt, but also by Gannayev of Dreams (yes his full name is freaking ridiculous) who's a ''handsome'' hagspawn. Add some Haer'dalis to the mix, sprinkle some Spike (from Buffy) and you've got yourself Astarion. At least that's my opinion. wink

YES! Lets do the Ladies of Faerun guild, I am totally up for that.
Heh, Gann is one of my top favorite romances out there - awesome character, the entire expansion was amazing and really gave me the Baldur's Gate feeling. I don't really see many similarities between Gann and Astarion though, aside from being self-absorbed... but maybe I haven't gotten far enough...

Last edited by Arideya; 01/11/20 04:16 AM.

"There are three things that are strength incarnate: there is love of life, there is fear of death, and there is family. A family that loves death would have a strong pull indeed." - Tamoko