Joined: Oct 2020
I feel sorry for Baldur's Gate fanboys. I really do.
Here you have been wanting a "true successor" to Baldur's Gate, and when someone releases a game with the same name, it's not what you wanted.
Not only that it's made by someone who made a game that's not Baldur's Gate, and this new Baldur's Gate "feels" like that other game, and not like the Baldur's Gate you grew up with.
I'm not trying to be rude. I get you guys feelings. But thing is Baldur's Gate isn't video games, it's part of a setting in Dungeons and Dragons' Forgotten Realms. It shows up in many books and adventure modules. And no one is complaining that 5e isn't Baldur's Gate?
Baldur's Gate the video games are old and frankly outdated. While the games, and similar games, does have a small following, it's a niece following. DnD 5e is a LOT more popular. And DoS2 has sold more than most BG clones has too last I checked. So it makes sense that Wizards of the Coast wanted to make a DnD game based on 5e, and chose a developer that makes popular cRPGs that is close to the table top game.
And that's how you should judge Baldur's Gate 3: As a DnD5e game, not compare it to a 20 year old game. (At least not to the minute detail as some of you are doing). This is like Fallout 3, same setting, same concept, but brought into the future.
The problem really is only in the Title, but only for those who played those titles 20 year ago. (I did too, but I was never a huge fan, so don't have the same nostalgia glasses). Forget the title, judge the game by what it is trying to be: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. (Which it's failing to live up to as well I might add) But it doesn't even feel like D&D either.. its like a runty mutant offspring of D&D overshadowed by its Divinity genes..
Joined: Oct 2020
That piece of music showed is really good, way better than Larians. Just like old and outdated BG1&2 are good, way better than so called BG3.
Joined: Mar 2020
It's says Baldur's Gate in title so...
Joined: Jun 2020
Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting.
Joined: Feb 2020
It's says Baldur's Gate in title so... Troll spotted. Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting. Nearly no one asked the same setting for the third game. A new BG game (3) can be pretty different and use different mechanics and rules but still focus a bit on what was loved in the old games. Larian completely forget to think about why those games became legendary and why so many people still love/mod/play them. At least I think they just don't care and use the name because it's THE name... Their will was to create a new D&D Larian's game and that's it. 100% marketing about the name. They absolutely forgot (avoid) to mention anything about Baldur's Gate in any interviews^^
Last edited by Maximuuus; 29/10/20 07:34 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
people are flooding the forum with identical threads and I'm the troll... Go figure...
Joined: Oct 2020
They absolutely forgot (avoid) to mention anything about Baldur's Gate in any interviews^^ Actually, they've talked quite a lot about BG in many interviews. And what they said made me believe they know what they're doing, understand what made BG1&2 great and that they'll do the series justice. Then I saw some EA footage and reviews and it dawned on me that I might have been very wrong about this. Previously, I was firmly in the "stupid trolls, stop calling it D:OS, it's BG and Larian seem to be doing a great job at making a modern Baldur's Gate game" camp. Now I'm... very worried. And yes, they have stated that BG3 is a "proper sequel". They were very clear about this. If the dev markets the game as a "proper sequel" and says it's a "proper sequel", then we will judge it on this basis. It may be an excellent game on its own, but it also needs to be an excellent sequel.
Joined: Aug 2020
I feel sorry for Baldur's Gate fanboys. I really do.
Here you have been wanting a "true successor" to Baldur's Gate, and when someone releases a game with the same name, it's not what you wanted.
Not only that it's made by someone who made a game that's not Baldur's Gate, and this new Baldur's Gate "feels" like that other game, and not like the Baldur's Gate you grew up with.
I'm not trying to be rude. I get you guys feelings. But thing is Baldur's Gate isn't video games, it's part of a setting in Dungeons and Dragons' Forgotten Realms. It shows up in many books and adventure modules. And no one is complaining that 5e isn't Baldur's Gate?
Baldur's Gate the video games are old and frankly outdated. While the games, and similar games, does have a small following, it's a niece following. DnD 5e is a LOT more popular. And DoS2 has sold more than most BG clones has too last I checked. So it makes sense that Wizards of the Coast wanted to make a DnD game based on 5e, and chose a developer that makes popular cRPGs that is close to the table top game.
And that's how you should judge Baldur's Gate 3: As a DnD5e game, not compare it to a 20 year old game. (At least not to the minute detail as some of you are doing). This is like Fallout 3, same setting, same concept, but brought into the future.
The problem really is only in the Title, but only for those who played those titles 20 year ago. (I did too, but I was never a huge fan, so don't have the same nostalgia glasses). Forget the title, judge the game by what it is trying to be: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. (Which it's failing to live up to as well I might add) That is exactly what BG 3 *is* being judged, in part. Have you even looked at the forum and seen how many complaints/feedback are regarding the fact that BG 3 isn't a D&D 5e based game, even though that is exactly what it was marketed to be? Literally no one has asked for BG 3 to adopt the BG 1&2 ruleset. This forum is filled with an overwhelming amount of judgement on BG 3 as a DnD5e game, where it is failing miserably. Generally speaking, people only bring up BG 1&2 as a comparison to *HOW WELL* those games were able to adopt their ruleset (a significantly less friendly ruleset for a computer to run mind you compared to 5e). If BG 1&2 could be faithful adaptations of their rulesets, it stands to reason that BG 3 should be a faithful adaptation of the 5e ruleset. One look at the forums (from an objective and subjective standpoint) shows that is not the case.
Joined: Aug 2020
Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting. Did....did you actually *play* the BG series? If you did, you'd know that BG 2 never even goes to Baldur's Gate. It's set primarily in an entirely different city, as well as numerous other locations along the Sword Coast and then straight up into other planes of existence. But it's still a BG game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting. Did....did you actually *play* the BG series? If you did, you'd know that BG 2 never even goes to Baldur's Gate. It's set primarily in an entirely different city, as well as numerous other locations along the Sword Coast and then straight up into other planes of existence. But it's still a BG game. That's one of the most true comments I've read in these kinds of threads. Here's the bonus footage: We've barely gotten into this game at all. We don't have the advantage of being the Bhaalspawn here, and we don't have the same companions, so we don't have that immediate "draw me back in" feel. Most of the human comps from that era are, or should be dead. That's why a 100 year jump, to get away from that, it's not the story line, or a plot point in the story line this time. We have no idea who we're going to meet, we have no idea where we're going to wind up going, but in what equates playing to Nashkell, we can already tell that this game isn't a game worthy of the Baldur's Gate title. I sure wish everything else in my life was this simple, where all I had to do was say "this isn't happening" and it would go away. Is this game worthy of that title? I don't know, yet. I haven't seen enough of it to know. The "it's not DnD" stuff can be summarily ignored, by me, because I know that if it's in the game, WotC approved it. Larian should be noting it, and evaluating it, but for me, it's a buzz word. Something that someone would post on Face Book or Twitter, or the title of a YouTube video to get lots of clicks.
Joined: May 2020
Wow! That's impressive! That being said, I don't think the composer has to be that slavishly faithful to the old music. HOWEVER, I do think some nod to the original music should be present. It should open on the classic Whamp waaamp WHAMP WUP
Joined: Mar 2020
That's pretty incredible. I actually think the new main theme does have some bg2 vibes (starting very strong and then becomes softer) but I don't know much about music. This thing is amazing though. And it's a great compromise (if you can even call it that way, I feel like this word is insulting to this awesome theme), using the old theme to introduce the new one. You should send it to Larian, I'm they'll at very least really appreciate it
Last edited by Abits; 30/10/20 06:07 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Honestly I don't want Baldur's Gate 3 to be like BG 1 or BG 2. The original Baldur's Gate games were groundbreaking for their time, and I love them dearly. But they don't hold up that well anymore. Plenty of sketchy game mechanics and rule changes, lots of shallow characters, cheesy writing and poor voice acting, less than inspired story in some areas, timed quests you could fail. etc. And I'm tired of being the spawn of a god.
If BG 2 were being critiqued on these forums it would be getting roasted for all the same issues people are complaining about now and then some.
I want a great RPG adventure with D&D rules and setting . . . which it is. It actually give me Dragon Age Origins vibes. And that's a great thing!
gotta say that music is epic!
Last edited by trengilly; 30/10/20 07:20 AM.
Joined: Sep 2020
Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting. Did....did you actually *play* the BG series? If you did, you'd know that BG 2 never even goes to Baldur's Gate. It's set primarily in an entirely different city, as well as numerous other locations along the Sword Coast and then straight up into other planes of existence. But it's still a BG game. That's one of the most true comments I've read in these kinds of threads. Here's the bonus footage: We've barely gotten into this game at all. We don't have the advantage of being the Bhaalspawn here, and we don't have the same companions, so we don't have that immediate "draw me back in" feel. Most of the human comps from that era are, or should be dead. That's why a 100 year jump, to get away from that, it's not the story line, or a plot point in the story line this time. We have no idea who we're going to meet, we have no idea where we're going to wind up going, but in what equates playing to Nashkell, we can already tell that this game isn't a game worthy of the Baldur's Gate title. I sure wish everything else in my life was this simple, where all I had to do was say "this isn't happening" and it would go away. Is this game worthy of that title? I don't know, yet. I haven't seen enough of it to know. The "it's not DnD" stuff can be summarily ignored, by me, because I know that if it's in the game, WotC approved it. Larian should be noting it, and evaluating it, but for me, it's a buzz word. Something that someone would post on Face Book or Twitter, or the title of a YouTube video to get lots of clicks. My new policy with regards to posts that pre-judge the entire game as awful, a piece of crap, a failure as BG etc, is to judge THEIR post on just a random 20% of every sentence they wrote. I'm betting that such posts will also appear to be awful, a piece of meaningless crap, an utter failure, devoid of any logic, sense or value and so on.
Joined: Oct 2020
There is a concerning power-creep in the encounters from BG1/2 to BG3. The first encounter in the original game (not counting the cinematic) is with gibberlings, a creature that in the Forgotten Realms is the equivalent of a rat or slime in a typical cRPG. The next encounters, depending on which way you go, are with bandits, hobgoblins, bears, wolves, or Flaming Fist mercenaries. In BG3, the first encounter is with imps, then intellect devourers, then an NPC party, then goblin raiders.
Actually, now that I've typed it out, this is less of a power-creep than a stylistic choice. But this game definitely makes the party seem more powerful than a typical party at level 1. It would be easy to chalk this up to a Black Isle/Larian difference, but this is actually a difference mirrored in the difference in styles of campaign building between AD&D 2e and D&D 5e. AD&D 2e had random encounters and more encounters per character level, along with characters that leveled at different rates depending on their class. BG1 had those random encounters connect to the story of the game by having most of the bandits be desperate for cash due to the iron shortage. D&D 5e discourages random encounters in favor of a (relatively) heavy narrative. Consequently, there are fewer encounters per level, and all characters level at the same rate.
Joined: Oct 2020
It's obviously a marketing cash grab on so many levels.
The reason it resembles DOS2 more than 5e is because executives managing a multimillion dollar investment are extremely risk averse; they want a guaranteed return on investment, and they've seen this style of game make money before.
"We have this recipe and engine for a game we know for a fact has sold over 2 million copies, not only does deviating from that and developing this engine cost us money in development hours but risks us not capitalizing on our previous recipe we know for a fact works."
Failing of course, to realize that 1) D&D 5e sales dwarf DOS 2 sales, (trust that system and play to that target market) and 2) this is not what the game is being marketed as: It's not called DOS 3; it's called Baldur's Gate 3 and the mechanics that are meant to draw in their target audience is the 5e ruleset that they are lazily trying to adapt to the DOS engine by keeping ground effects and weapon dip (holy fuck the changes to firebolt and ray of frost absolutely reek of lazyness and offset the balance significantly).
Their interviews and posturing "we're fans of the original Baldur's Gate series! Omg we're such fanboys like you! We're just like you!" However true it might feel, it very likely is just soulless corporate schlock meant to win you over; a marketing strategy to get brownie points with consumers.
"We're so passionate about this series and franchise! Honest!"
Is that why your dev team proceeded to openly shit on RTwP as 'messy' and 'chaotic.'
(I'm fully aware of the unpopularity of RTwP vs Turn based but...)
How are you fans of the original when you openly detest the revolutionary system (at the time) that allowed the game to flourish?
Did you consider that half the fights in the origjnal and 90% of the fights in BG 2 and ToB are literally unplayable in turn based because it's just so dense with combatants? It's also easier to start with RTwP and implement turn based ala Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It allows the player to manage certain fights however they want. By being obligate turn based you must literally downgrade your fights to being limited compared to its predecessor as the idea of fighting 1 boss and his 10 vampires with your party of 6 in turn based is already making me bored just thinking about it. So now, they have to chop off 2 party members and turn the 1 boss and his 10 vampires into 1 boss with 4 suped up vampires with an entirely reworked stat block. Casters and their AoE suffer and the strategy of eliminating combatants early to turn the tide gets downgraded to something far more basic.
My big piece of advice is to stick to the 5e system as much as possible. Altering ranges of spells and abilities? Uhhh why? Ranged is meant to be strong in 5e. If you bothered implementing prone and cover mechanics (and AI smart enough to use them) you'd be able to keep ranged combat what it is, but once again you've tried rebalancing the game around your system to save development time and money; lazy.
Enough with the barrels and ground effects. You can make objects flammable or freezable or what have you but every basic cantrip and spell shouldn't be making a ground effect.
Stop bloating HP and dumping AC; casters aren't balanced around these HP levels. And for godsakes limit long resting to once every 24 hours.
We can all get on board with rebalancing the less popular classes that ranked lower in player satisfaction (Rangers) but stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Look at why Baldur's Gate is a classic and why D&D 5e is so big and stop trying to mold them around DOS, instead mold DOS around them.
Last edited by CinderV; 01/11/20 09:21 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
Yawn.......this is not BG 1& BG2 - its not trying to be - leave those games in the past they are classics & everybody knows that (boy do we hear about it enough..) Yes it has BG3 as a title its based (largely) in balders gate & follows a story 100 years later ....this is not trying to be a sequel to the other 2 games - its drawing on the influence of those games & yes it is a bit of marketing there but this is a new vision - the 3 games can exist in the same world setting. Did....did you actually *play* the BG series? If you did, you'd know that BG 2 never even goes to Baldur's Gate. It's set primarily in an entirely different city, as well as numerous other locations along the Sword Coast and then straight up into other planes of existence. But it's still a BG game. What’s your point? My point is whether the game is entirely based in ballers gate or the sword coast or forgotten realms this is a new entry, a new studio with a new vision for the game. I personally know balders gate from all the fantasy novels, from playing D&D for many years. The name draws you to the forgotten realms and Dungeons & Dragons it is not trying to make a direct sequel to bg 1&2. I know there are still hoards of fans of those games & neverwinter nights etc and that’s fine - but instead of complaining about how it’s not the same why not embrace something new & another take on a vast adventure in the same universe ? Why are so many determined not to allow themselves to enjoy a modern day game. We all have favourites but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a new experience.
Last edited by Tarorn; 01/11/20 09:29 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Why in the last months it seems that a lot of people on the internet couldn't spell "Baldur" correctly if their life depended on it? It used to be considered a simple name that everyone got right at first try back then.
Joined: Oct 2020
DOS3 is being kind. Id call it> DOS2.75: Baldurs gate, a DnD adventure.
Again everyone dancing around the <party size> situation. There are probably ONLY 6~7 playable NPCs in the game...Theres your problem. You had over 15 plus tons more with mods with BG2. So a BG3 party of 6 would be all your companions...
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 01/11/20 10:18 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
CinderV, I totally agree with you. I even asked for a refund to GoG because I won't encourage this and I won't be part of this dumb argument "a lot of people buy the EA". I'll re-buy it later, maybe after his final release, maybe long time after it. For now, I refuse to participate to the undeserved hype this game is taking advantage of.
Best thing would be for the people to ask for refund as a warning signal for Larian.