Originally Posted by VincentNZ
Originally Posted by TimVanBeek
Originally Posted by VincentNZ
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
An interesting option. It didn't occur to me to try to attack the crystals. I like that the game has such easy-to-miss details.

That is likely because the UI does such a poor job in highlighting targetable objects. I still have to find a way to destroy the webs in the phase spider lair, because I just can not target it.

That should work simply by selecting e.g. a fire cantrip (Gale) and hovering over the web, which should display it as a target with, I think, 4 hp or something.

Yeah, I know, it doesn't let me though and it often tends to end up on the ground or at the edge of the web. Sometimes it does damage, sometimes it doesn't and it especially does not work for me when there is a spider on top of it. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but the whole system is not really intuitive or precise.

I found it sometimes only does 2 damage and the web is still there thus it looks like it didn't work. Also you can "miss" with the cantrip and since there is no ground below the web to set on fire the web stays intact. you can walk on the web but its treated as an object probably. I don't think it's you who is doing something wrong.

Last edited by Tuv; 01/11/20 12:58 PM.