Str 10 (never did sports nut still I'm not so delicate laugh )
Dex 10 (just because I don't tumble on my own feets laugh I'm fairly good to follow objects' traiectories but fairly unable to move consequentialy)
Cons 14 (I'm 44 yold still I can count using only my hands the times i was seriously ill, that is more than three days on bed and with fever over 37.5° C, also, much to my surprise, I'm quite resistent to fatigue)
Int 16 (book wise and able to quickly learn new stuff, unless it requires high coordination or firm hands laugh )
Wis 17 (Life was a wonderful, read with a caustic tone, teacher, also being akin to my survival I'm always aware, when lazing around in town, of what happens around myself)
Cha 13 (I dare to say that is variable, my ability to charm people varies on how much I feel the need to sell myself in a due environment, so I can change from cold as ice and isolated to amusing, well informed, listening person laugh laugh ).

In faerun probably would choose a neutral (good or chaotic) or a chaotic (good) deity and probably choose the wizardry or cleric road. (but loving to be an oppositive argumentative know it all wizardry could be my preferred choice )