Well one quick look through only the front pages of this forum serves you up with gems like: remove cutscenes, remove romances, what's the point of auntie Ethel, NPCs being too low level as we should obviously be only fighting rats throughout Act1 etc

So let's do away with the story, companions with actual personalities, romances, cutscenes, sidequests that are actually interesting etc and let's all play peasants fending off a major rat infestation and fetch subquests while obviously religiously following 5e which is actually the one and only holy postulate everyone should care about here (btw anyone else fed up with endless 5e threads? I mean I get it - sorta but why does EVERYONE need to create a separate thread about it? Could we just give them a subforum maybe?)

Last edited by Azarielle; 01/11/20 03:51 PM.