Joined: Oct 2020
This is a bait/joke post, right? I'm not going to read 15 pages of it to find out.
Please keep this BS out of the game. +1
Joined: Oct 2020
Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. Could you elaborate on whats nasty about sexy male/female look armors in a fantasy game? This might be a cultural difference, are you American by any chance? lol. For me sexy looking does not mean X rated incredibly nude armor. Its just , you know, sexy looking. Like a sexy looking party dress.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 01/11/20 08:22 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am trying to stay away from this thread for the sake of my own sanity, but just to add this since some may be interested. I noticed this earlier too but I didn't look up the concept art until now. An example of the reverse of what tends to happen where female characters are covered up for even minor skin exposure, and I hate it too. In-game the male version of the Githyanki armor has ugly white baggy pants which compromises the design, I dunno why they changed this with the male version. The pants on the male version looks totally out of place imo... I wish the devs would make the male version more accurate to the concept art too. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.ibb.co/Wxx6zkw/konstantin-porubov-gith1.jpg) Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. I dunno on what planet you're living on if you actually believe that this is true. The only games I can think of with sexualized designs are old games from like 10+ years back that are still going. If anything the Western industry in particular is scared to death of it. I also think that people are a bit quick to call something '' oversexualized ''. OVERsexualized implies that it's too much and crosses some kind of a line, and I think that is highly contextual. In a game where everyone walks around in their underwear the context of what is and isn't '' oversexualized '' is going to be very different than in a game set in a universe where everyone walks around in turtlenecks. I really wish that people would stop throwing the accusation of '' oversexualization '' at basically anything skimpy. And also literally only at female characters, I never see anyone call male characters even sexualized alone when they very clearly are. Like people won't even acknowledge a character like Varus in LoL as sexualized but then they'll lose their collective minds about a tiny bit of v-neck on a female character. People are so incredibly hypersensitive to womens bodies. Like seriously you have almost every single modern Western game that is designed to your liking, and you're complaining. I find that quite infuriating as someone who enjoys sexualized designs and content. Even moreso when what I like tends to get censored so incredibly frequently now. Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. Could you elaborate on whats nasty about sexy male/female look armors in a fantasy game? This might be a cultural difference, are you American by any chance? lol. For me sexy looking does not mean X rated incredibly nude armor. Its just , you know, sexy looking. Like a sexy looking party dress. I kinda get the stereotype about Americans when it comes to this, but I think it's a bit of an unfair assumption too. Gaming is a global phenomenon and there are a lot of countries where women even just wearing jeans is controversial and they have access to the internet and play games too. That's a very extreme example, but Conservative values and views in regards to sexuality and womens bodies in particular are not uncommon. And I also think that this is the main driving force behind the more puritan trends in gaming. It's incredibly naive to think that it's some kind of a missguided pseudo-Progressivism behind it, it has everything to do with greed and wanting to cash in on growing markets that are more Conservative than anything else. There's very misogynistic and Authoritarian governments that quite literally police this kind of content and won't allow it within their borders. Another reason why people defending it upsets me too is because it's not only about sexualized content in regards to women, they also police things like depictions of homosexuality, transgendered characters, politics, blood, monsters etc. People defend and handwave this kind of censorship away a lot but they don't understand how wide it actually is and how much it's going to severely limit developers in the future, it's basically digging ones own grave.
Last edited by Svalr; 01/11/20 09:15 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I am trying to stay away from this thread for the sake of my own sanity, but just to add this since some may be interested.
I noticed this earlier too but I didn't look up the concept art until now. An example of the reverse of what tends to happen where female characters are covered up for even minor skin exposure, and I hate it too. In-game the male version of the Githyanki armor has ugly white baggy pants which compromises the design, I dunno why they changed this with the male version. The pants on the male version looks totally out of place imo...
I wish the devs would make the male version more accurate to the concept art too.
Going by the texture names, they may be different sets of armour: the female version is "Githyanki Halfplate" and the male version is "Githyanki Astral Plane". I'm not sure if that's just the way it is (both models have the same name) or whether we can expect to see male & female versions of both. There are some indications that the armour is still unfinished.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, I noticed they're not completely averse to characters in skimpy attire - Nightsong for example. (Spoilers!) Darn, this is very tasty @-@ I will need a dark re-skin!
“There is only one thing we say to Death: Not today.”
Joined: Oct 2020
Insert whiny counter-rant.
Someone like you, who's mostly posted on the forums in favor of hypersexuality wouldn't understand and I'm not even surprised you're the one to make a big deal over me saying 'no thank you' to this request. I don't care if my two sentences have shaken your world view and insulted you. Just like people are free to ask for oversexualizing 3D characters in a lore rich video game can request for it, I'm asking for it to not. I don't like it and I'm damned sick of it. The Githyanki armor is fine and the dress when you choose your 'type' isn't bad either. It's tame. Armor variety is cool too, but making everything for the sake of sex appeal, especially given the lore and context in this story is tiresome and old. I say oversexualization of women because the original post didn't request for having man-slaves naked in loincloths. My nationality is none of your business. Just as I don't ask for any of your age, gender and sexuality and decide 'of course you freaks are horny' based on it. I don't care who you are and what you like. I simply find it tasteless when it's nonsensical. Skimpy clothing for 'slaves' or sex workers, should the game have brothels or districts with that sort of content in it, would make sense. People with the purpose of fighting for their lives, dungeon crawling and traveling, dressed in bikini tops and g-strings called 'armor' for no reason other than some people wanting to drool over their virtual wifus and husbandos? Gross. Mods for it? Sure. Not my thing though and I like where BG3 is already going with their design and art decisions.
Last edited by Divine Star; 01/11/20 04:56 PM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
A reminder to everyone to be polite, please. This sort of topic is going to attract a broad range of opinions but if they must be debated, let's not get personal about it.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Oct 2020
Insert whiny counter-rant.
Someone like you, who's mostly posted on the forums in favor of hypersexuality wouldn't understand and I'm not even surprised you're the one to make a big deal over me saying 'no thank you' to this request. I don't care if my two sentences have shaken your world view and insulted you. Just like people are free to ask for oversexualizing 3D characters in a lore rich video game can request for it, I'm asking for it to not. I don't like it and I'm damned sick of it. The Githyanki armor is fine and the dress when you choose your 'type' isn't bad either. It's tame. Armor variety is cool too, but making everything for the sake of sex appeal, especially given the lore and context in this story is tiresome and old. I say oversexualization of women because the original post didn't request for having man-slaves naked in loincloths. My nationality is none of your business. Just as I don't ask for any of your age, gender and sexuality and decide 'of course you freaks are horny' based on it. I don't care who you are and what you like. I simply find it tasteless when it's nonsensical. Skimpy clothing for 'slaves' or sex workers, should the game have brothels or districts with that sort of content in it, would make sense. People with the purpose of fighting for their lives, dungeon crawling and traveling, dressed in bikini tops and g-strings called 'armor' for no reason other than some people wanting to drool over their virtual wifus and husbandos? Gross. Mods for it? Sure. Not my thing though and I like where BG3 is already going with their design and art decisions. I am not the one complaining about the existence of content that doesn't appeal to me in a video game, so it's a bit rich to call me the whiny one but okay. I got 100 posts so far and I dunno how many but maybe 5 posts or so have been related to this in response to others. And now we somehow escalated it to '' hypersexuality ''... My '' world-view '' isn't shaken at all, I just hate it when people project their values unto other people and act like it's some objective fact that the world or an industry needs to revolve around. Your negative views on sexuality and the human body has nothing to do with me and if anything it's you who are freaking out because someone questioned you on the notion that '' oversexualized '' content is a common occurance. I just find it quite telling that when you think of skimpy clothing your mind jumps to slaves and sex workers. Let that sink in and think about that for a little. Also note that I said nothing about bikinis or g-strings and as has been pointed out before the gear in this game is not realistic to begin with. And DnD quite literally have people fighting on the frontlines in loincloths ( Barbarians ) and the game is full of enemies already that do. I don't agree with the OP and their examples of what they want to see in the game, and acting as if that's anywhere even remotely close to anything you'll find in Western video games is quite frankly absurd. I think that anyone who claims that this is some common thing is either lying on purpose to try and make the situation sound '' worse '' or there's some VERY serious confirmation bias at work. I do however want to see a variety of different options, like maybe not everything needs to be a turtleneck. That's very different than wanting bikinis. Edit: Also, I wasn't the one speculating about your nationality. Quite the opposite.
Last edited by Svalr; 01/11/20 05:59 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I'm all for more armor. I'd love some dying options. Sexy armor seems silly. I'm more for stylish and functional. I would love something for wizards that is not skirted robe. Wizards can wear pants, right? Skirts, kilts, cloaks. diadems, tiaras, they can have some style too. I also think more visual options for the classes who don't wear heavy armor would be nice leather armor doesn't have to look the same for everyone.
Joined: Oct 2020
We Demand More Sexy and Revealing armors and clothing No, we don't. If you want it, wait for mods.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think the broad point about "oversexualization" and "hypersexualization" of the female armors is the fact that the OP literally only used female armors as his arguing point. No where in his post did he mention the same treatment for male armor. All he posted were pictures of designs and armors that are fap material, plain and simple. Not a single one of you dudes in favor of sexier female armors are also voting for sexier male armors, and hiding behind "haha why are you people so sensitive about the female body" just makes you look like the neckbeard you are.
You want female armors with barely covered tits and a thin piece of metal up her ass and thigh high boots? Then give me male armors with chain armor penis-sleeves and suspenders holding it up and nothing else.
Joined: Oct 2020
I think the broad point about "oversexualization" and "hypersexualization" of the female armors is the fact that the OP literally only used female armors as his arguing point. No where in his post did he mention the same treatment for male armor. All he posted were pictures of designs and armors that are fap material, plain and simple. Not a single one of you dudes in favor of sexier female armors are also voting for sexier male armors, and hiding behind "haha why are you people so sensitive about the female body" just makes you look like the neckbeard you are.
You want female armors with barely covered tits and a thin piece of metal up her ass and thigh high boots? Then give me male armors with chain armor penis-sleeves and suspenders holding it up and nothing else. Freaking this. +1
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
... Then give me male armors with chain armor penis-sleeves Codpieces were a thing. Not a thing I particularly want to see, I admit, but then again I'm not that big on "what we really need for sexy armour is crotchless chainmail leggings" either. Handy for going to the bog, though.
J'aime le fromage.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
The cod-piece on plate armour mirrored contemporary fashion. It wasn't that it was required for protection so much as a way to boast. Who'd have thought eh?
For anyone interested, the codpiece is thought to have originated as a way for men to remain 'decent' as fashion dictated skin-tight hose for the wealthy, and looser-fitting two-part long pants or breeches for the common man. When the hose became supplemented by the short puffy trousers so familiar in late Medieval/Early Modern paintings, the codpiece was retained. Needless to say, most were not filled to capacity.
Joined: Oct 2020
This topic is hilarious. People please grow a sense of humor, most of this thread is satire and a bit of fun but the "literals" are out in force.
In every fantasy game in the history of gaming there is always sexualised men, men don't care. Power isn't being wrapped in a blanket and thrown in the kitchen between pregnancies. Both men and women like to show off their attributes (if they have them) it is fact. Power is freedom to choose. Don't like it, don't do it.
If you want to run into a crowd of fully armored knights stark bollock naked armed with a tea spoon and an algebra textbook then all power too you. It is roleplay, you maybe totally batshit crazy who cares it is not my thing. Nudity isn't sexual I don't care how puritanical your beliefs, it is the imagination that drives sexuality nothing more.
There is no such paradigm as "oversexualised" how could there be? The eye of the beholder (yes I went there come get me) dictates what you see. If you see something as overly sexualised then it's you making that decision based on personal/religious dogma and is in fact forcing your belief on others not the other way round. I am all about freedom, you do you let me do me and we will get along famously.
Nothing saying you cannot get practical and sexy right? Not all armor is plates of steel or chain links. Some of the rogue like leather armor mods for skyrim are works of art and looked the part better than the real thing, full body coverage and subjectively sexy af. Light and clothing type armors give greater dex bonuses and allow tasks such as spell casting, sneaking etc. These are literally anything from an animal skin to body paint.
I said earlier it is up to the modders and devs at the end of the day. I am sure there will be clothes and armors to suit most people on or soon after official release. Fantasy isn't RL we get enough of the crap please lighten up.
Joined: Oct 2020
We Demand More Sexy and Revealing armors and clothing No, we don't. If you want it, wait for mods. Well, you don't. I was going to point this out in regards to the OP too earlier but I forgot. No one here speaks on behalf of the '' we '', you only speak for yourself ( as does the OP ). It's something that kinda annoys me a lot, when people say '' we '' when they mean '' me ''. ... Then give me male armors with chain armor penis-sleeves Codpieces were a thing. Not a thing I particularly want to see, I admit, but then again I'm not that big on "what we really need for sexy armour is crotchless chainmail leggings" either. Handy for going to the bog, though. Hey I care deeply about historical accuracy here. So we should be able to fight naked liked the Gaulish '' Gaesatae '' and Zulus! I jest, but just some thoughts on armor and the context of '' sexiness ''. I think that something about armor a lot of people don't seem to realize is just how contextual it was. An adventurer would never wear plate armor you'd never be able to live walking around in that all day every day. Knightly medieval warfare was fought under a very particular set of chivalric conduct of war where you just showed up on a field and battled it out in a controlled manner in very specific European climates. It's not like armor has no drawbacks and unarmored troops have beaten heavily armored armies historically before. Depending on the context, the Barbarian archetype isn't really that far-fetched. Historically the ones who won were often the ones who forced the opponent to fight on their terms, which was ultimately why chivalry died in the end. Armor was always gendered too and technically speaking '' sexy '', the few women who wore it simply wore the same as it was the standard *and* war was considered for men. Breastplates were shaped as corsets at one point because that was considered manly which could really be regarded as the '' sexy '' of the times. It's also why the Greeks had so many naked male statues, mens bodies have historically been seen as the peak of beauty. Compromising '' practicality '' for the sake of making it '' sexy '' in that regard has always been a thing. I don't think that they quite had the same concept of '' sexy '' that we have today tho lol, but the mindset was very much '' oh yeah those sexy tiny waists and shins, mmmmhhh ''. The way other men spoke about Henry the 8th's masculinity and body was very erotic xD... And we actually have a lot of examples both from India and Greece where they depicted breastplates for women with breasts on them. People tend to kinda assume the absolute most extreme and worst examples when talking about breastplates like those and severely underestimate how resistant properly forged steel was. But it's fair to assume that if war had been more gender-neutral then the armor would've adapted to it to some extent. Lae'Zel's breastplate is actually a really great example of that which is why I love it so much. Because what it tells me is that yes, women in this setting as soldiers are a thing and they're acknowledged as women too and they're not frowned upon because of it. It actually adds and implies quite a lot about the setting. But yeah I just find this subject matter interesting. And I think that people have a tendency to sorta focus too much on it from a modern perspective and sorta miss the actual VERY gendered mindset that went into warfare and armor historically.
Joined: Oct 2020
Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. I will do thanks did in Skyrim will here as well lol 😂 They have already started to make them woohoo! Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. I will do thanks did in Skyrim will here as well lol 😂 They have already started to make them woohoo! Well, I noticed they're not completely averse to characters in skimpy attire - Nightsong for example. (Spoilers!) And while maybe not sexy, some of the armor designs are pretty impressive. (Also spoilers!) She looks great but not trusting anyone called Lips of Darkness.. 
Last edited by DanteYoda; 03/11/20 04:48 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Someone made albums for all the current armors in the game, https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGat...ll_armors_and_weapons_identified_in_the/ and I really like the designs so far. Some of the female models are missing pants which might be an EA issue. If not, then the guy counterparts should also be pantless. That's always been a gripe with me in games where armor is normal on the guy, but revealing when you put it on the woman. I remember Dark Souls 2 had the sorceress set that was just as revealing on men and that's how it should be. Half-plate is kind of having that problem, like it's not skimpy, but it looks weird with 2 very round bowls on the girl's chest and the guy gets more natural looking armor. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/Oi2qutH.png) I appreciate someone attempting to fix it. Ties in with the current conversation on codpieces lol ![[Linked Image]](https://i.redd.it/clnk8chwmqu51.jpg)
Joined: Mar 2020
The "no pants for ladies" thing going on with some of the armour is strange. It doesn't even look good. The rest of them are kinda hit or miss. The female half plate is the best looking one so far. The padded armor +2 looks great on both genders. The studded leather armors look bad and have too many things going on them. Same with the +1+2 versions of the scale mail. The normal and +1 ringmaiil looks terrible. I don't know what were they thinking. It looks like 80s nerd clothes. The other heavy armor is Okey but nothing spectacular
Last edited by Abits; 03/11/20 06:36 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am trying to stay away from this thread for the sake of my own sanity, but just to add this since some may be interested. I noticed this earlier too but I didn't look up the concept art until now. An example of the reverse of what tends to happen where female characters are covered up for even minor skin exposure, and I hate it too. In-game the male version of the Githyanki armor has ugly white baggy pants which compromises the design, I dunno why they changed this with the male version. The pants on the male version looks totally out of place imo... I wish the devs would make the male version more accurate to the concept art too. ![[Linked Image]](https://i.ibb.co/Wxx6zkw/konstantin-porubov-gith1.jpg) Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. I dunno on what planet you're living on if you actually believe that this is true. The only games I can think of with sexualized designs are old games from like 10+ years back that are still going. If anything the Western industry in particular is scared to death of it. I also think that people are a bit quick to call something '' oversexualized ''. OVERsexualized implies that it's too much and crosses some kind of a line, and I think that is highly contextual. In a game where everyone walks around in their underwear the context of what is and isn't '' oversexualized '' is going to be very different than in a game set in a universe where everyone walks around in turtlenecks. I really wish that people would stop throwing the accusation of '' oversexualization '' at basically anything skimpy. And also literally only at female characters, I never see anyone call male characters even sexualized alone when they very clearly are. Like people won't even acknowledge a character like Varus in LoL as sexualized but then they'll lose their collective minds about a tiny bit of v-neck on a female character. People are so incredibly hypersensitive to womens bodies. Like seriously you have almost every single modern Western game that is designed to your liking, and you're complaining. I find that quite infuriating as someone who enjoys sexualized designs and content. Even moreso when what I like tends to get censored so incredibly frequently now. Just use mods like those nasty, lore-breaking mods that were made for Skyrim. I don't agree with this at all and if anything, I'm so glad Baldur's Gate doesn't feed into the oversexualization of female characters like almost every other game does. I am so SICK of it. Could you elaborate on whats nasty about sexy male/female look armors in a fantasy game? This might be a cultural difference, are you American by any chance? lol. For me sexy looking does not mean X rated incredibly nude armor. Its just , you know, sexy looking. Like a sexy looking party dress. I kinda get the stereotype about Americans when it comes to this, but I think it's a bit of an unfair assumption too. Gaming is a global phenomenon and there are a lot of countries where women even just wearing jeans is controversial and they have access to the internet and play games too. That's a very extreme example, but Conservative values and views in regards to sexuality and womens bodies in particular are not uncommon. And I also think that this is the main driving force behind the more puritan trends in gaming. It's incredibly naive to think that it's some kind of a missguided pseudo-Progressivism behind it, it has everything to do with greed and wanting to cash in on growing markets that are more Conservative than anything else. There's very misogynistic and Authoritarian governments that quite literally police this kind of content and won't allow it within their borders. Another reason why people defending it upsets me too is because it's not only about sexualized content in regards to women, they also police things like depictions of homosexuality, transgendered characters, politics, blood, monsters etc. People defend and handwave this kind of censorship away a lot but they don't understand how wide it actually is and how much it's going to severely limit developers in the future, it's basically digging ones own grave. Very fair points. Just from my experience living on both side of the atlantic American women in general seems to be overly sensitive on this matter.