Originally Posted by Abits
When you say Remake, what do you mean? If you mean just take everything in BG and put it in the new engine, I highly doubt it would be better than the original. The painted backgrounds of BG still looks better great and will probably remain good looking while the 3d graphics of such remake would look very dated ten years from now.

I recently replayed BG1 EE and frankly, it could be better graphically.

- the original game was made when 640x400 was not uncommon and it shows on my QHD monitor... (too pixelized or too small to be enjoyable)
- BG3 is gorgeous, and has very similar "colors" as original BG. (because after all, they both take in the same place : Sword Coast)

A little off topic, but I saw some new AI tech, which draws 3D models out of 2D pictures. If they apply that tech with some handworks for details... smile