Originally Posted by Abits
Originally Posted by Svalr
Originally Posted by Abits
Just wanted to remind you all of a relatively minor spoiler from Dragon Age Origins - Morrigan jumps in bed with you really early on. Just wanted to put it out there

That's true, but it's also story related.
I actually thought that this part of her and how it played into her character and lore was very well-written.
She also stops sleeping with you at some point which is worth pointing out, the sex itself was never part of her romance subplot.

It did become a bit of a meme, but I also think that's precisely because people at large are kinda immature in their views on sex and never look beyond the actual act in and of itself.
Doesn't help that they basically turned sex into some kind of a weird comedy in Inquisition.

And how in this game it's not story related? I think you actually hit the nail in the hand in your second paragraph. People are kinda conflating sex with romance here imo

Well it's definitely not story related on the same level as Morrigan in DA:O.
But either way, I still think that it's story related the same as everything else.

It does make some sense where it's thrown into the story too with the camp celebration, everyone is kinda letting loose.
So if it was going to happen at any point it makes sense that it happens then.