Well it's definitely not story related on the same level as Morrigan in DA:O.
But either way, I still think that it's story related the same as everything else.
It does make some sense where it's thrown into the story too with the camp celebration, everyone is kinda letting loose.
So if it was going to happen at any point it makes sense that it happens then.
Well, I don't think that if you knew nothing of Morrigan's character beyond the point of the sex scene in camp you would necessarily think so highly of her character.
Not sure if you think I am arguing against anything here, I don't have a problem with sex scenes.
It definitely doesn't happen *that* fast in this game either, but I can understand the argument that it does happen quite suddenly with some characters at least.
Even so I'd still argue that Morrigan sleeping with you so fast and randomly made sense based on what we knew about her early on, she's completely clueless about human interaction it probably doesn't feel very sudden to her.
Like from her pov you're horny you fuck lol, that simple.
That's not really the case with any of the characters in Baldur's Gate 3, maybe Lae'Zel is the one where it wouldn't be the most surprising thing ever I guess but you're kinda busy.