Why/ Because it would no longer be BG1/2. It would be BG 1 & 2 played on a BG 3 engine, or an NWN engine or a DoS. And enhanced edition is NOT a remake. It is still the same BG plot, characters, U/I, gear, classes and so on - and still essentially the same engine, just tweaked to run on modern machines with some additional content tosses in - prequel and sequel material, offered up in the same format. As for them not aging well, they look fine to me. I'll take a '54 vette any day of the week.
Originally Posted by Arideya
Originally Posted by Anfindel
I would no sooner play a remake of BG1/BG2 than I would watch a remake of Casablanca or Wizard of Oz (note I said remake, not reinterpretation). There is absolutely NO reason to tamper with perfection.

Why? The old games haven't aged well and you can't even run the originals on newer machines - your eyes will bleed out. Plus, you already have one remake which is the Enhanced Edition by Beamdog.

I'd love the remake, but it will probably be a modded one, similar to all those attempts to recreate Baldur's Gate over the years first as Neverwinter Nights modules, then then Neverwinter Nights 2, and then Dragon Age Origins.

Why/ Because it would no longer be BG1/2. It would be BG 1 & 2 played on a BG 3 engine, or an NWN engine or a DoS engine. And enhanced edition is NOT a remake. It is still the same BG plot, characters, U/I, gear, classes and so on - and still essentially the same engine, just tweaked to run on modern machines with some additional content tosses in - prequel and sequel material, offered up in the same format. As for them not aging well, they look fine to me. I'll take a '54 vette any day of the week.