Originally Posted by Seraphael
Originally Posted by VincentNZ

Yeah sure, but it takes awfully long and you are bound to the limitations of the already slow combat. In any normal game you would just pause, position your people with one click and initiate combat. The BG3 system is cumbersome, unintuitive and slow. It is basically the worse workaround to a problem that does not need to exist in the first place.

You outline an ambush situation, and in such you are pretty much guaranteed to go first/surprise the enemy and then control the time-flow/progression of combat. Alternatively, you are engaged in conversation with the enemy and are free to position your other companions in real time. Either way party members not yet engaged in combat/conversation are free to take a trip to Hell and back in real-time before you progress/enter combat. Not sure I understand your problem, or are we playing different games?

That said, a proper pause button should be easy to implement even though the need for it is much more miniscule than critics make it out to be here.

This system is awful in any situation, regardless of the circumstance. If it is an ambush or coming out of a conversation it matters not. In BG2 (or any other game really) I would either draw a frame or click the characters I would like to position. Then I would click on the position. Done deal, I can even set it up long before the actual engagement, as my characters are not chained together.
In BG3 I have to enter turn mode for each character, click on each character (if that works on the first time), click on the position and then let the turn play out (including possibly a non-hostile enemy's turn). I will have to repeat that until all are in position. If I want to do so beforehand and in real-time I would need to put a guy in stealth, unchain another and it still takes awfully long. Any mistake, live leaving the RTS mode, or stealth or rechaining and all the process might be undone.

To make things worse BG3 is a game where the environment matters, you gain advantage/disadvantage from being in the dark, being up a level, being in stealth, being behind a target, being on a certain surface or in an area of effect. Also movement is limited to 9m, range to 18m for most things. Yet the default way of movement is in one unchangeable clump.

Do you know see how this system is a drag and slows down gameplay with nuisances? The movement system is basically the gameplay equivalent of driving through the main street of any city in rush hour. Red lights everywhere, top speed barely faster than going on foot.