Originally Posted by Priest
Originally Posted by BladeDancer
Originally Posted by Agrippa
I found and copied over this gem from Reddit: Thank you, Questionable71! Keep them coming, please! Big download and likely much has happened!

Posted byu/Questionable71
1 month ago
Rocket Like
Everything that has happened to Baldur's Gate between the events of BG1 and BG3.
Baldur's Gate 3 takes place roughly 124 years after the events of Baldur's Gate 2. Lots of major events have taken place between that span of time. Some affected the Forgotten Realms as a whole and others affected only Baldur's Gate and the surrounding regions. This post will serve as a timeline detailing everything that has happened between now and then, for those curious as to what has happened.

1492 DR. The events of Descent into Avernus take place. The city of Elturel is pulled into the Nine Hells. Zauriel is redeemed by a group of adventurers and the city is returned to Faerun. Zauriel leaves the Nine Hells and returns to Mount Celestia. (<Descent into Avernus spoilers, but Larian has already announced which ending is canon for Baldur's Gate 3.)

1492? DR. The events of Baldur's Gate 3 take place.

Uh... Descent into Avernus is in the year 1494 DR. The Baldur's Gate gazetteer that comes with the tabletop game is set in 1492 DR. See, Thavius Kreeg, the man responsible for making the deal with Zariel that will lead to Elturel being pulled down into Avernus was made back in the Year of the Seductive Cambion (1444 DR), and his deal with Zariel is set to expire in 1494 DR, meaning in 1492 DR, nothing really happens in Elturel, they still have two years left before getting pulled to Avernus. With all that said, there is no way Baldur's Gate 3 is in 1492 DR either, because it has been said many times that Baldur's Gate 3 is a direct sequel to Descent Into Avernus, and the tiefling refugees are in the mortal plane because of what happened to Elturel after Descent into Avernus.

By the way, I've constructed an even bigger timeline of events from almost every D&D Forgotten Realms novel, video game, source book, comic book and tabletop game, from -30000 DR to 1494 DR split into 3 parts.


Edit: Zariel is canonically redeemed? That's news to me.

Baldur's Gate III is set in 1492 DR. It says 1492 DR is the "current year" in the tollhouse ledger. Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus is also set in 1492 DR, taking place before Baldur's Gate III. It was originally thought to be 1494 DR due to the 50 year contract with Thavius Kreeg, but Wizards are known for their "approximations" that they put into writing.

It's either Wizards made this approximation (48 = ~50), which they are known for making, or everything else is wrong. There's still some debate on this, though Adam Lee (official D&D story writer) confirmed that DiA is set in 1492 DR.

EDIT: Thanks for the FR Chronology list. I'm very interested in such a thing, and agree with your conclusions. Any evidence for the chroinology of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series?

I'm fully aware of that tollhouse ledger, I mentioned it in Part 3 of my FR Chronology list. I also mentioned the discrepancies between it provides between it and the timeline of Descent Into Avernus, how it contradicts already established lore and what we've been told the past year.

The "Descent Into Avernus" story is actually set in 1494 DR, it is the "Baldur's Gate Gazetteer" that comes with the game describes the city in the year 1492 DR. for people who only know of the Forgotten Realms lore through the Baldur's Gate games. If you follow the lore details on why Elturel was sent down to Avernus, you'll find that the infernal contract Thavius Kreeg signed with Zariel way back in 1444 DR had a 50 YEAR EXPIRATION DATE (The Forgotten Realms Wiki and the comic book series Infernal Tides which chronicles Minsc and Boo's adventures prior to Baldur's Gate 3 confirms this), so that means contrary to what Larian Studios told us, Baldur's Gate 3 is the prequel to Descent into Avernus, not the other way around. And that contradiction is increased tenfold when you pay attention to the dialogue from the tiefling refugees who claim they all came from Elturel. Nothing happened to Eltruel yet in 1492 DR, the city had two years left before the infernal contract Thavius made with Zariel expired! Also, the leader of the tiefling refugee camp, Zevlor, is a former member of the Riders of Elturel, a.k.a. the Hellriders. Most of the tiefling members are deserters who abandoned Zariel's crusade.

Evidence to Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance's timeline? You're asking why is it in 1374 DR? Because after that year, the singing Elfsong Ghost disappeared after the destruction of the Onyx Tower, and six decades later in 1437 DR, Baldur's Gate suffered a serious undead crisis where the city was attacked by ghouls and zombies. Though the incident brought all the dead back to life, it did not bring the Elfsong Ghost back to life, but instead brought its song back, as the ghost had been brought peace ever since Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance.

Last edited by BladeDancer; 03/11/20 05:03 PM.