Eh definitely disagree on Obsidian, Witcher, and Owlcat.
I always loved Obsidian stories and world way more than I did Bioware's, especially after Bioware went downhill with the Dragon Age series and the travesty that is Anthem. At least Obsidian is still trying to make games they are passionate about. Owlcat I really don't see what people like about it, but thats again purely personal opinion. Witcher 3 is not even an RPG... Its a beautiful game with a cool main character and story, but you are playing Geralt of Rivia, the white witcher dude who has a LI he was destined to be with (especially if you read the books), and a daughter figure that he loves and protects (also from the books). Not much to RP here.

Skyrim might be great mod-wise, but I always preferred Morrowind for the story, the lore, and the world-building.

Last edited by Arideya; 04/11/20 08:01 PM.

"There are three things that are strength incarnate: there is love of life, there is fear of death, and there is family. A family that loves death would have a strong pull indeed." - Tamoko