Yeah I really hope they fix this. D&D is all about exploration and the DM keeping things secret from the players. All the VTTs I’ve used have fog of war for this very reason (MapTools, Fantasy Grounds, TaleSpire).
I'm still really upset about seeing behind the fireplace at the hag's cottage. I saw it pretty much right when I walked in.
It didn't just tell me that there was something back there, it told me that there was a REASON for something to be back there, which told me that I should be extremely cautious with her.
I didn't get the opportunity to explore that through dialog or by gauging her reactions to the conversation, the lack of what should have simply already been there spoiled that entire scenario for me.
There was no mystery about where to go or what I would end up doing.
It is a two-part issue with me, and both performance and not having things spoiled are equally important to me and a reason that a fog of war option should be available, if not baseline.