Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Originally Posted by Frumpkis
This still seemed to be bugged as far as the trader selling to "Friends of Zhentarim."

I gave the unopened chest to boss lady, was declared a Friend of Zhentarim and see her in the City, but Brem the trader guy still says I have to be that status to get the better goods.

Yep, she said I was a friend of the Zhent which would be helpful when we get to BG, but yeah, trader still says I need Zarys to say I am a friend. I am guessing its bugged.

It is bugged, but I suspect there is a way around it by choosing a specific dialog path with Rugar after defeating the Gnolls by the Zhent cave. Dont go down the path where you talk about splitting the cargo and selling it behind his employers back. Dont try to get the chest from him either. Just get the password from him and get out of that convo as quickly as possible. Ive done this twice now, and both times I was able to get clearance from Zarys as a friend of the zhent and gain access to the traders secret items.

Im not saying this is definitive, only that Ive done it twice, and both times got the result I was looking for. It needs more testing though to be sure. The talk of selling the cargo behind the Zhents back seems to be the catalyst that later blocks you from gaining access to the traders secret items.