Originally Posted by DayVlad73
you probably should be re thinking about other areas in your life that dont involve staring at a screen for hours on end.

This would seem to apply to any gamer, of any age, and of any physical condition. Maybe you should back off on the "old people" schtick before someone asks how many hours you spend staring at a screen instead of engaging in personal and social development.

As for the topic, I agree with Agrippa and Anfidel. While I think Bethesda-style lockpicking mini-games are fun (even the Oblivion and ESO versions that everyone complains about), this is a game based (mostly) on D&D. Everything (except tactical positioning) works on die rolls, and it just wouldn't be D&D otherwise. And to be honest, that appeals to my inner gambler in a way that Bethesda games don't.