Originally Posted by Moirnelithe

Best classic RPG:
- some rpgs I really like a lot for the story or companions but they do have some serious flaws; vtm:bloodlines 1 (best dialogue system ever imo), nwn2: OC/MotB/MoW (I love D&D 3.5 what can I say), nwn 1: HotU (story), BG2 (evil path felt incomplete but otherwise epic).

I was thoroughly disappointed with MoW, but otherwise, I loved NWN2 and NWN1...definitely VTM:Bloodlines

Originally Posted by Moirnelithe

Best RPG back in the day:
- Ultima 7 (don't think I could play it nowadays, but played it to bits back then)
- BG1 (again, I can't play this anymore even though I was crazy about it back then)

You might want to look toward a YouTube stream by the name of Kikoskia. He did Ultima 7. Serpent Isle, Ultima 1, Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld 2, Ultima 8, and (recently) Ultima 9. He also did NWN, NWN: SoU, NWN: HoU, Lands of Lore (twice), Lands of Lore 2, Lands of Lore 3, Anvil of Dawn, BG1, and BG2.


He does a lot of older games and RPGs, actually. Very pleasant, laid back man, generally doesn't have a cross-word to say about games he plays (won't LP games he won't enjoy), but he is lovingly heavy on lampshade hanging.

Originally Posted by Moirnelithe

RPGs I won't be able to play:
- Cyberpunk 2077, Bloodlines 2. First person perspective. Motion sickness is a thing.

RPGs I think are meh:
- Pillars of Eternity 1-2, Divinity OS 1-2. I backed them but the story and companions never really clicked with me. Combat systems were annoying.

Ouch on Cyberpunk and Bloodlines. As to the others yeah, combat was the most annoying part of Pillars. RTWP is something I'm fine with in some games, but not so much in an RPG. I recently played about an hour or two of Divinity 2 because people kept saying how this game is just that over again, but to be honest, I don't much feel it beyond a love for starting people on failing ships and beaches....In any case, Divinity didn't hold me the way BG3 has. It's very much "okay, this is a thing that exists". I think the whole "society believes super powers are evil / super powers are actually evil" story hook turned me off immediately.

Last edited by Thrythlind; 05/11/20 05:01 PM.