I[*]Ranger Class was completely remade. You have your arguments, but you didn't leave a choice to play with the official 5e Ranger, which is sad.
RE: They could provide a terrain and monster tag, that are used in the game for the the favoured enemy and terain. But this Ranger class is not a problem for me.
[*]Jumps are incredibly unreal. The height one can reach with it is unbelievable (makes me want to play as Grung).
RE: Agree, not everybody is a ninja from Wuxia.. I´t would be better, if the animation was something like a pull up then a jump up.
[*]All skills have a buff-like animation and a hell of a ceremony to cast. Ex: one accumulates the ki when DASH is selected and becomes a super sayan it's used (what a show!).
RE: I also hate the DASH, because I select it, then must acknowlodge it again... Hate it.
[*]Dipping makes no sense. You can make your metal weapon get on fire (without oil or magic). When you want to shoot flaming arrows, you dip your... your wooden bow on fire. The bow remains fine, and also your hands (but at least the arrows catch on fire when you load them...).
RE: Agree, It should be only for arrows. And poison coating the blade and arrow.
[*]Magic items (and ARTIFACTS) are absurdly abundant in BG3.
RE: There are not so many in my opinion.
Action Economy/game balance butchers:
[*]Every weapon (even mundane!) gives a special ability. Ex: a spear allows you to pass through your enemies with it's attack. These abilities doesn't exist in 5e, and should be rare (they are things to have on SOME magic items/artifacts).
RE: I actually like this one, I gives the weapon some personality.
[*]Jump is costing a Bonus Action. In 5e it's part of your movement and costs nothing extra.
RE: It could be a part of the movement, it makes more sense.
[*]Disengage is joined with Jump and costs a Bonus Action (this one is BIG). In 5e it costs an Action and have no relation to Jump.
RE: In what sense hase it a relation to jump? Like in that it is bonus action? Same as drinking potion? Or in that like you can Jump away from your enemies (which should trigger opportunity attack but doesn´t)?
[*]Shove is a Bonus Action in BG3, and the target flies back as if there's no air resistance. In 5e it's an attack, costing an Action. Also they only recoil 5 feet in 5e, but that's not incredibly important.
RE: I think its an animation problem, the flying effect isn´t realistic. But you can shove people pretty far in real life too. Don´t have problem with the mechanics of it being bonus action thou. It does´nt need much concentration in my opinion.
[*]Hide in BG3 is a Bonus Action. This destroys Rogues' shine because they are some of the few that can Hide as a Bonus Action in 5e with their Cunning Action. It normally costs an Action.
RE: Yeah, the rogue should have an advatage in this, he should be the only one, who can do it in combat. Others need to have a spell or simillar ability.
[*]You cannot take the Dodge action in BG3. In 5e it's one of the ways to remain in a strategic position blocking the enemies' path and dodging attacks while your party move/attack/cast spells.
RE: I think in Neverwinter Nights rogues and other with dodge feats had a bonus to dodge, AC or something which was applied against every attack and were harder to hit. They could use somethink similar here.
[*]You cannot take the Ready action in BG3. This is sad because it's a very important part of the strategic combat D&D 5e.
RE: Maybe something like in XCOM series? Depending on a weapon you have in your hands... I really like the Feat Polearm master and I think the Shield Master and Sentinel have some similar reactions.
[*]The way the Reactions are handled in BG3 is very poor. To work properly there should be an option to get prompts asking if you want to use your reaction. You can't optimaize 5e combat without this.
RE: I think it could be implemented the way Riposte works here on/off option.
[*]In BG3 you can't willingly get prone (to get protection from obstacles and give disadvantage to ranged attackers).
RE: Don´t have problem with that. It would be some sort of reaction.
[*]You currently can't take Cover in BG3. It changes how some spells/traits work.
RE: I would like to see it implemented too.
[*]Getting prone robs you a turn in BG3. That's not what happens in 5e. It only takes half of your movement to get up.
RE: I think its half your movement too, but I could be wrong, maybe I have seen it in Solasta.
[*]You can't use the Help action in BG3. In 5e, you can use Help to give advantage to an ally's to perform a task (check) or to his next attack against an enemy.
RE: I would like to see an option where your companions help you in some conversation/checks and task too. Like it was in Pathfinder. It would feel like they are cooperating more. Happens with exploration checks thou.
[*]You can't administer a potion to an unsconscious creature in BG3.
RE: You can not do it in real life either, make sense, you would kill them.
[*]Food heals you in BG3. No comments...
RE: Well. In a game you fight more than in tabletop, so it´s either this or more short rest or more potions in game. I didn´t get the memo food heals you till at the end of my first run and the difficulty of the game went higher and the annoyance of long rest were brutal. But the food should not be used in combat (it´s not a drink) and maybe it could be changed for bandages and balsams (with more uses than potions), maybe the use of medicine or nature skill (which would make more sense to me and the skills would make more sense in game). The nature skill could use the herbs you find. Or they could implement alchemy to make your own basic potions.
[*]Potions cost a Bonus Action to be consumed in BG3. A potion costs an action in 5e.
RE: Make more sense this way.
[*]Familiars all have different abilities. In 5e their sheets are like those of the monsters and there are no such special abilities (blind, etc.).
RE: Also make more sense this way. What I hate more is that they can not carry some light items.
[*]Mage hand attacks and throws enemies/things in BG3. In 5e it can't carry more than 10 pounds and cannot attack...
RE: This one does´nt make sense in original rules. If you can carry a rock, you can make the rock fall on somebody. If you can carry a candle, you can burn somebody and so one. But the creative use of mage hand and barrels is little overpowered.
[*]In BG3, Grease spell is flammable. Grease spell in 5e is not flammable. It's magical, not chemical, so chemistry arguments aren't to be taken as laws. Also, aren't already consumables that create flammable grease?
RE: Well, the fire spells are also magical. No problem with that.

But I don´t use it so much, you can use the potions and barrels that are everywhere. Maybe less flamabless in game...
[*]Most elemental spells (even cantrips) create elemental terrains. This one is hard to diggest because it destroys game balance, changes expected spells' behaviors, and drastically alters the dynamic of 5e combats just so it looks a bit more like D: OS.
RE: I like this one. Fire is fire, so it burns and cast things on fire. Same with water and electricity. Good strategy between Shadowharts water spell and Gale´s lightning spells. And the cantrips do not so much elemental terrains. And if you use the fire spells on flammables it´s only right that fire prospers.
[*]This one is HUGE: the Challenge Rating system was disregarded, and monsters now have levels. In 5e, spells, traits hit points, etc., defined the CR of monsters. Now that they have been recreated and have levels, all experience 5e players had on tabletop is useless to deal with it. You see a monster here, know it's different from the ones you'll see in 5e. You see a monster on 5e and came here with some expectation, get ready to get frustrated. We have lost our reference to guess the power of the enemies. This causes derived issues such as goliath-strong goblins and a hag using spells without a coven.
RE: I don´t have problem with the level thing, but the ghithianki dragon should not be a level 4. Atleast level 10 or so early in the game. So you can see the difference. Is there someone strong? Good. His level should be 3+ level more then you (the dragon, the beholder, maybe even the hag). Level can replace the Challenge Rating system. And if you see a level 10 dragon early in the game, you know it would be incredibly difficult to kill him and in the later stages of the game you will know that you have chance against him now. Something like the cambions and mindflayers early in the game. You know you can not take the Cambion without the help of mindflayer. Later in game maybe.
[*]Environmental effects are everywhere, tons of barrels of oil that not only burn, but explode (got to be nitroglycerin). There are lots of things that explode, cause an AoE or leave a pool of something. BG3 is... pulsating.
RE: Yes, there could be less barrels and also less food in my opinion.