You led off, the very first thing, with a complaint about the 5e Ranger? Which is notoriously bad, and highly reliant on the DM providing appropriate terrain and foes? That was an unfortunate choice, because I'm sure you have a great many points I agree with you on, but leading off like that gives an impression as a strict, inflexible rules purist who finds any change unacceptable, even though this is an adaptation and flexibility is required.
Skimming through this more... you think potions should be a full action. Bonus action potions is a common house rule because the damage you take from giving up your action to drink a potion will hurt you more than the potion heals. It ends up being a waste of a turn. Complaining about this is ridiculous, and you have lost credibility.
I agree with a lot of your opinions on the rules, but you are insistent on rules purism to a fault. This is not the tabletop, and it cannot play identically to the tabletop.
Last edited by Stabbey; 06/11/20 04:23 PM.