I'm not a P&P player but I have to say that I agree with you for many things... But I also have to say that this is a video game and some adaptations are fine.

This is the answers from someone that only care abouté this new BG game.

[*]Ranger Class was completely remade. You have your arguments, but you didn't leave a choice to play with the official 5e Ranger, which is sad.

The P&P ranger doesn't suit video games according to me.
Natural explorer would be useless.
Favored ennemies would be usefull during a few very specific combats, which is not fair in the balance.
I'm not a P&P player so feel free to explain that one, I'm interrested but according to me what they did with the ranger is fine.
One suggestion I could have is to implement the beastmaster's companion another way. Actually it's like all other common summoned companion. This doesn't suit the relation a ranger have with it's "pet".
Maybe ranger's should have to choose ONE specific companions for the entire game. Of course this companions could be a little bit powerfuller, have special abilities or skills that are specific to the ranger's companions.

[*]Jumps are incredibly unreal. The height one can reach with it is unbelievable (makes me want to play as Grung).

Not sure about D&D but I agree that jumps are really unreal.
I don't like how they implement jumps, but n'y especially because of the height Characters can reach.

[*]All skills have a buff-like animation and a hell of a ceremony to cast. Ex: one accumulates the ki when DASH is selected and becomes a super sayan it's used (what a show!).

I think it's necessary a way or another in MP but I really hate those visual effects. I'd love something else.

[*]Dipping makes no sense. You can make your metal weapon get on fire (without oil or magic). When you want to shoot flaming arrows, you dip your... your wooden bow on fire. The bow remains fine, and also your hands (but at least the arrows catch on fire when you load them...).

I also strongly agree. I hate dipping because it's immersion breaking and because it's another WTF mechanics.
I think they could find ways for it to become part of real gameplay choices rather than another cheesy mechanic (i.e , dipping only oustide combat if you provide with "rare" component)

[*]Magic items (and ARTIFACTS) are absurdly abundant in BG3.

I wouldn't say that there are too many items but the items are totally WTF. "If the character wearing that gloves use heal, the target's weapons deal poison damage for 2 turns"... WTF ?
"If you're standing on fire, you fire damages are increased" WTF ?
" If you wear this ring, you can use a spell using your spells slots"... WTF is that artifact able to change what I learned ?

I think items could become way more usefull, way more on purpose and way more D&D/FR.

Action Economy/game balance butchers:
[*]Every weapon (even mundane!) gives a special ability. Ex: a spear allows you to pass through your enemies with it's attack. These abilities doesn't exist in 5e, and should be rare (they are things to have on SOME magic items/artifacts).

I like that.

[*]Jump is costing a Bonus Action. In 5e it's part of your movement and costs nothing extra.

I agree, even if it's not my single concern about "jump".

[*]Disengage is joined with Jump and costs a Bonus Action (this one is BIG). In 5e it costs an Action and have no relation to Jump.

Agree, they should follow the rules according to me.

[*]Shove is a Bonus Action in BG3, and the target flies back as if there's no air resistance. In 5e it's an attack, costing an Action. Also they only recoil 5 feet in 5e, but that's not incredibly important.

Not sure about this one. I don't really think that shove as a bonus action is something Bad.

[*]Hide in BG3 is a Bonus Action. This destroys Rogues' shine because they are some of the few that can Hide as a Bonus Action in 5e with their Cunning Action. It normally costs an Action.

Agree, it shouldn't be a bonus action according to me. As you said, it should only be for the rogue at level 2+.

[*]You cannot take the Dodge action in BG3. In 5e it's one of the ways to remain in a strategic position blocking the enemies' path and dodging attacks while your party move/attack/cast spells.

The more action possibilities is better for the tactical aspect of the game. Not sure that "dodge" HAS to be in the game, but I agree there's a lack of tactical options while playing a melee character.

[*]You cannot take the Ready action in BG3. This is sad because it's a very important part of the strategic combat D&D 5e.

Cool but probably complicated in a video game.
Why not, but not that much important to me.

[*]The way the Reactions are handled in BG3 is very poor. To work properly there should be an option to get prompts asking if you want to use your reaction. You can't optimaize 5e combat without this.

I agree and I guess (hope) this is something Larian is working on.

[*]In BG3 you can't willingly get prone (to get protection from obstacles and give disadvantage to ranged attackers).

Prone should be an action or bonus action but in a tactical purpose for melee character. As they shove, they could push to prone their target.
Not sure "prone on purpose" would be usefull.

[*]You currently can't take Cover in BG3. It changes how some spells/traits work.

Yes, but it's not a dealbreaker to me.

[*]Getting prone robs you a turn in BG3. That's not what happens in 5e. It only takes half of your movement to get up.


[*]You can't use the Help action in BG3. In 5e, you can use Help to give advantage to an ally's to perform a task (check) or to his next attack against an enemy.

Not really a problem to me.

[*]You can't administer a potion to an unsconscious creature in BG3.

That's a problem that leads sometimes to a boring inconscious/conscious/inconscious/conscious loop.

[*]Food heals you in BG3. No comments...

A very bad mechanics, but especially during combats.
Food should eventually give little advantages, but not work as healing potion.s.

[*]Potions cost a Bonus Action to be consumed in BG3. A potion costs an action in 5e.

I like it's a bonus action.

[*]Familiars all have different abilities. In 5e their sheets are like those of the monsters and there are no such special abilities (blind, etc.).

Abiities are not all working and there aren't well balanced, but I like them.

[*]Mage hand attacks and throws enemies/things in BG3. In 5e it can't carry more than 10 pounds and cannot attack...

Mage hands definitely need some work.

[*]In BG3, Grease spell is flammable. Grease spell in 5e is not flammable. It's magical, not chemical, so chemistry arguments aren't to be taken as laws. Also, aren't already consumables that create flammable grease?

I don't really like that grease is flammable but because it's going to turn into fire after 1 turn... I use grease so my ennemies can slip on that surface... Not because it's a combo that can deal more damages

[*]Most elemental spells (even cantrips) create elemental terrains. This one is hard to diggest because it destroys game balance, changes expected spells' behaviors, and drastically alters the dynamic of 5e combats just so it looks a bit more like D: OS.

I agree.

[*]This one is HUGE: the Challenge Rating system was disregarded, and monsters now have levels. In 5e, spells, traits hit points, etc., defined the CR of monsters. Now that they have been recreated and have levels, all experience 5e players had on tabletop is useless to deal with it. You see a monster here, know it's different from the ones you'll see in 5e. You see a monster on 5e and came here with some expectation, get ready to get frustrated. We have lost our reference to guess the power of the enemies. This causes derived issues such as goliath-strong goblins and a hag using spells without a coven.

There are many problems according to me with the creatures and their balance... But I don't really care they have a level.

*Mind you: I know DMs are free to create their monsters in D&D 5e (and I do it), but 5e gives many sheets and tips as reference for you to change them and still make sense: if you change too much it would lose the likeness to 5e monsters. Change everything and things stop making sense.

Is that the same problem than the previous one ?
Not sure. As I said I agree that creatures abilities /HP/AC is not good for many reasons you don't talk about.

[*]Environmental effects are everywhere, tons of barrels of oil that not only burn, but explode (got to be nitroglycerin). There are lots of things that explode, cause an AoE or leave a pool of something. BG3 is... pulsating

I agree. It's too many. I fear level 3+ spells for us... And our ennemies.
Not sure the battlefield will still have any cm2 without surface effects...

Last edited by Maximuuus; 06/11/20 05:56 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus