+1 to the OP, fully agree.

To address the contention in the thread, namely the Ranger. It has received a lot of love in supplements, and is quite powerful in some subclasses now. In general the subclass and subrace options being limited in BG3 makes for a limited showing of what can be done in 5E. However, the Horizon Walker and the Gloomstalker Ranger subclasses are quite powerful in 5E, and would represent well in BG3. Similarly with some other classes, like the Warlock, whose best subclass is overwhelmingly Hexblade. None of these are in BG3 yet (hopefully coming though). Larian would do very well to include content from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (its super relevant thematically even) and Xanathar's Guide to Everything, both of which added a great deal of content that help improve, balance, and expand the PHB offerings a great deal.

Last edited by Dominemesis; 06/11/20 07:25 PM.