Warranted and much needed criticism, but this was a hit and miss list. For instance:
1. PHB Rangers has multiple issues. Dependency on specific environment and enemies to shine this is hard to translate to a cRPG. Generally weak (albeit not at low-levels). Larian did some semi-decent changes. Larian's changes are surprisingly lacklustre though and it worries me that I can see this easily (haven't played D&D for years) when Larian did not. Let's quickly break down obvious problems with the new FAVORED ENEMY homebrew (misleadingly named as it functions now). PATHWAY would be better.
* Bounty Hunter gives a skill and a bonus to DC of Ensnaring Strike. Pretty WEAK compared to Ranger Knight who gets a skill and proficiency in heavy armor. Decent for roleplaying.
* Keeper of the Veil and Mage Breaker are too similar. Same skill and near useless secondary ability. True Strike is recognized as a crap cantrip (this could do with a homebrew buff) and Protection from Evil and Good is concentration spell competing with Hunter's Mark, Hail of Thorns, Ensnaring Strike, Spike Growth, Pass Without Trace, Swift Quiver, etc. Both will get little use.
* Sanctified Stalker gives a skill and the WEAK Sacred Flame cantrip. The cantrip is relatively nerfed by easy advantage to spell/weapon attacks and likely a melee Ranger who would need the ranged cantrip would pick Ranger Knight. So this will get little to no use.
2. Jump is part of the tadpole powers but should be presented as such. The design idea is increased mobility and maneuvering to advantageous positions leads to more interesting and rewarding tactical combat. Larian could even go more crazy with this sort of homebrew and less bewildering amounts of items and environmental interactions.
Last edited by Seraphael; 06/11/20 08:19 PM.