I provided a fairly specific example of how the overall experience feels better when you're not just stuck chowing down scarce consumables and relying on healing spells from a specific class to progress.
No, you didn't. You just stated that's the case as if was a matter of fact, which is questionable at best. I don't particularly agree. In fact, I probably don't agree at all.
Giving the player an option to remove pointless downtime that was once considered to be "roleplaying" but was really just how we justified the limitations of the technology at the time is a "new and modern" take that's an improvement.
This line of thinking that anything that can be summarized as "immediate convenience" should always be perceived as an overall improvement of the experience is something I'm strongly against.
It's not immediate convenience if it's an alternative in which you can choose to benefit from or not. Having those quality of life changes in a game as an option will be a boon to some and not to others. If it's not to you, then it's as simple as just not taking advantage of them. Calling for a removal of those things or speaking fervently against them when they're entirely optional seems like a waste of energy.
I don't want to fall to bits 'cos of excess existential thought.