Originally Posted by DistantStranger
In all fairness, I never liked the voices in the Baldur's Gate series....

Get Me Out of This HELLHOOOLE!!
I can dance on the head of pin, as well!!!

But in all seriousness the MC voice acting in the old games was more utilitarian than anything else, a verbal queue to let you know if something was happening, like a critical hit, fatigue, an ineffective weapon etc. I can't really judge its acting too much

Originally Posted by Tuco
Only vaguely related, but I wonder if the game industry is already experimenting with Deepfakes and similar stuff.

Theoretically we already should have the technology to pick recorded lines, choose a new vocal timber and let an AI rework all your audio files.

Sure it probably won’t be perfect at every moment, but it could save an insane amount of money if refined over the years.

That's interesting but from what I understand the voice is the one thing they can't deepfake yet. using machine learning to mess around with a voice should be easier, but might get into Watson territory.