Now GW2 might not be a proper example, but I can't bring myself not to think of how extremely awkward the voice acting is for the PC... 95% of the time it just does not suit at all what I'd want my character to sound like (ignoring the fact that GW2 does not let you choose your voice lines at all but just focusing on the voice itself).

Personally, I don't really mind either way regarding BG3. If they would find a way for the character to use their voice selected in the character creation for all, or most, of their lines. Great. However, if I got to choose voiced lines - but less options, or a silent protagonist but more options, then I choose the later.


I absolutely do agree that there should be some way that we can actually affect the way our character presents themselves in body language, facial expressions etc... Whenever it is something you select in character creation or develop overtime is less important imo.

Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian