Originally Posted by alt-thea
So I wanted to figure out, if the tadpole phrase I got at the end of EA (while you cross the lake) was a sign of ability overuse
This is the order of reactions to tadpole use
GLO_TadpoledCount1 - first time used
*A shiver runs across your mind... you feel sated.*

*Something stirs deep within you, hungry and alert... it's taking something you'll never get back.*

*Your mind lurches, reeling suddenly as if... bitten.*

*A shadow swims across your vision, and a familiar voice tells you to be calm. You are loved.*

*Your blood runs quicker, feeding the gnawing absence at the centre of your mind.*

*The presence deep in your mind is awake, unblinking. This is it. A single word pervades your consciousness: 'Soon'.*

11491bda-fa57-44ed-a306-a13fdf8e3b82 - flag not yet in game, but this is not just for the count. It is checked at every phrase (needs to be false) and on this one it is set to true for probably the first time. Looks like the point of no-return for using tadpole
*Your mind is full, bursting with ecstasy and terror. Finally, it is coming. You are becoming.*
And that's exactly what I got after ordering duergar to let me pass. Oops

This got me thinking if at a certain amount of ability uses a global flag is set - then it might actually influence next dialogs with Absolute disciples. And luckily there's one such dialog after EA cutoff that's in the game files already
Across the lake we meet drow Nere who is a True soul
And if that flag was set to true earlier then during conversation and mindmeld he can control us
*He grasps your mind, flooding it with the urge to obey him... and something within you answers.*
*For a moment, you are gone. There is only Nere and this thing in your head. You take his hand.*

*He grasps your mind and claws it open. Suddenly, you are one.*
*Two True Souls sharing a lust to kill. To tear down these heretics. They'd scorned The Absolute - and they would pay.*
*His rage sweeps you away, erasing you from this moment.*

Tadpole overdose leads to mind-control, people. Beware smile

Now that is VERY interesting, thank you very much!

Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian