Now your just being silly Vamathi please go troll somwhere else.
Whhere did i even imply i did not have a good childhood? jeez
Where did i even imply that the brothels scenes where more notheworthy in the wicther ???
The brothesls in the witcher was 100% OPTIONAL do you even know what the difference is between a brothel and a romance option?? it appeas not and only reinforces my notion about a certaion demographic wich it could seem your a part of.

A Neutral party , is where i get to make my own travel companions, im perfectly fine with them noit haveing any background story other than the one i make up, im perfectly fine not having to see their approval rating on my decisions, and im perfectly fine with them not wanting to bed me.

You disagree with my intire post thats fine but by doing so you also contradict yourself when you apparently diagree with me on not wanting to remove romantic options?
you read what you want to read and you dont read the whole thing it appears , i suggest you read the actual text and stop putting your own twists on it.

Last edited by Ormgaard; 07/11/20 12:47 PM.