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Eh, how you view this depends on a) your experiences during the playthrough and b) you experiences in life.

On my first playthrough I got everyone interested and I was happy to be able to focus on the character I liked. I thought the romance was sweet and true to form. A bit of Tsundre with the armor going right back on the next day. If we ever do sleep together it will be the result of slow burn. And unless I turn her towards the light, Shar will always come first . . .

On the second playthrough I gave into my inner DOS2 player and blew the world to bits and saved the grove in 2 days. With only two full rests I couldn't get anyone to look in my direction. Astarian told me he had standards (which was a hilarious line btw), Wyll told me he preferred the company of his tankard and Shadowheart wanted to drink alone. Oh and Lae'zel told me I was hawt but that I had challenged her too often so I could go soak my head. Good thing I have a dog to sleep at my feet, right?

Perhaps because I've had on again, off again relationships in real life SH doesn't seem so weird and because a number of my relationships / hookups started the way Astarian's romance started it didn't seem too quick. I remember when I was supposedly a chaperone for a group of late teens on a field trip -- two days was enough to get most of them exchanging tent partners. My guess is that is jarring for people who are on the demisexual end of the spectrum.

Of course I'm all for more -- but if there is going to be more text and a slower burn Larian will need todo what BG2 / PsT did and have conversations start in the middle of street. My second playthrough is any indication there won't be much time to complete a romance on the current time table.

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Originally Posted by Gamblerr
Okay, I wasn't going to post a response to this thread but my urge is too great.

Nobody, not Larian, not WotC, not gods, ghosts, or ghouls, are forcing you to romance or fuck anyone. The only character that has consistently come onto me through all playthroughs is Astarion which I think is only because I keep is affinity high. Unless you actively flirt with them and pursue them, Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, even Lae'zel, do not come onto you. You have to actively pursue these options and go after them. There's no real 'forced romance' unless one character asking you for a booty call is too much for you.

This is simply not true. I have not attempted for a romantic relationship or selected any romantic/flirty options for ANY character during my first play through, yet - like most people here experienced - every single person in the camp wanted my character's booty during the celebration.

Originally Posted by Goldberry
People keep repeating 'no one is forcing you'. This is a technicality, yes, sure, you can just say no.

To all of them. At the same time. All of them are trying to bang you early through the game during the same scene. You can say no, that doesn't make it any less weird.

You can say no, but you are still exposed to their weird advances and flirting with each other. To clarify, I don't mind romances in the game, I very much enjoy them, specially if they're well developed as a slow burn. I tested every romance scene in my playthrough because I was curious to see how it would unfold. And it feels weird and unnatural.

Hell, I was just trying to be friendly with Shadowheart, trying to make some girl friendship bond, I ended up triggering the romance scene even though I had no intentions of romancing a female. I rolled with it.

P.S: Still weird.

I simply do not mind as long as they keep it between themselves. Laz can have Wyll, Ast can have a random thiefling and Shadowheart can have Gale for all I care. But it DOES feel really weird that you get them ALL over you at the very same time even though your character have not showed even a hint of interest in any of them. It doesn't matter that you obviously can turn them down (I mean, what would Larians option be? :x ).

I could get if like 1 or 2 of the characters were really straight forward and maybe sexually motivated fairly early - sure. I could even accept if one or two had the personality of being persistent about it.

But yeah, it really wouldn't hurt to have one or two characters being more drawn back regarding the sexual stuff either.

Do note though - I do not think the solution to the problem is to make romance triggered EXCLUSIVE for the player - like the player having to flirt tirelessly in order to establish any romantic interest. I do like the idea of (some of) our companions being able to develop romantic feelings without us having to actively pursue it. Although I obviously do not classify their current behavior as feelings - WE BARELY KNOW EACH OTHER!

... To summarize - having a few companions being more into physical attraction is fine. Some people are like that. Having some companions a bit more laid back is also fine, cause some people are like that. Maybe some companions require your character to take the first step - while some other companions can develop feelings for your character overtime without having your character flirting with them. Just... Get rid of this "all of them wanna bang you at the same time"-thing - UNLESS it actually IS tied to the pod and those nasty hentai-folks (like for real, if they are the ones causing it then they're just gonna have to deal with being referred to as "hentai", it's not even about the tentacles).

Originally Posted by Zarna
Originally Posted by Goldberry

To all of them. At the same time. All of them are trying to bang you early through the game during the same scene. You can say no, that doesn't make it any less weird.

I wonder if for this there couldn't be some early trigger that would possibly set a friends only status. Maybe in a camp conversation that had something to do with relationships in general and you could say something about having more important things to worry about. After that then there would be no advances by anyone and if you changed your mind later you would have to do a lot of work to get someone interested.

Having an external option to "friend-zone" characters to simply not have them ever engage in romantic conversations with your character would absolutely be great, imo. Ideally, I'd like to see a small "turn off romance options"-box on each individual companion so that you can turn off romance entirely on whoever does not interest you (or rather, whoever you don't want being interested in your character*), whenever that is one, two or all companions.

But, I highly doubt they would implement it cause, yknow. "You can't turn people's feelings and desires off irl, you just gotta say no"... -.-

Last edited by Dez; 07/11/20 05:55 AM.

Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
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OP, what CRPGs have you played?

If you look at any CRPGs, or even any Action RPGs, they will have romance scenes.

The Dragon Age series, The Witcher series, Knights of the Old Republic series, and I'm sure cause CDProjeckt Red is working on it, that Cyberpunk 2077 will have romance scenes as well.

It is *not* for horny 13 year old boys. How sexist are you OP?

If you don't want to romance anyone that is your prerogative, but don't complain about it since so many games, and so many gamers like it! >_<

Last edited by FatePeddler; 07/11/20 06:07 AM.
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Cyberpunk 2077 will have romance in it if, they don't delay it for the 4th time

Yep every RPG out their has romance in it or that's what I want to say

Also Sex sales and video game companies see this so they go that route.

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Originally Posted by Gamblerr
Okay, I wasn't going to post a response to this thread but my urge is too great.

Nobody, not Larian, not WotC, not gods, ghosts, or ghouls, are forcing you to romance or fuck anyone. The only character that has consistently come onto me through all playthroughs is Astarion which I think is only because I keep is affinity high.

In BG 2 the romance dialogues were extensive and had the PC build a relationship wuth the NPC first. Which means that from the player perspective, the player had control over whether the romance even starts, and plenty of room to break it if they decided they were not interested. By comparison, if you place the PC in the position of having to repeatedly say no, it takes away from the player control over the situation and puts them in a reactive position. And I can understand why some dislike it, or find it uncomfortable or upsetting.

Yes, it's only a fantasy game, but I still think the topic should be handled with more care by Larian. The choice of whether even start or pursue gives the player more power than the choice of " just say no".

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Originally Posted by Uncle Lester

I pictured a dwarf shaking his beard like women in those shampoo commercials.

Those photoshopped wigs in commercials have nothing on that ginger beard. They should have hired this person for the battle of five armies scene.

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Originally Posted by FatePeddler
OP, what CRPGs have you played?

If you look at any CRPGs, or even any Action RPGs, they will have romance scenes.

The Dragon Age series, The Witcher series, Knights of the Old Republic series, and I'm sure cause CDProjeckt Red is working on it, that Cyberpunk 2077 will have romance scenes as well.

It is *not* for horny 13 year old boys. How sexist are you OP?

If you don't want to romance anyone that is your prerogative, but don't complain about it since so many games, and so many gamers like it! >_<

I genuinely don't understand if people actually are aroused by the scenes for real...
The whole '' iT's FoR 13 yEaR oLdS '' just reeks of insecurity and projection imo.
We're not talking about hardcore porn with actual penetration on display at most we're talking about nipples.

It's like when people rant about how '' boobplate is oversexualized '', like how easily aroused do you have to be to think that's arousing?
I don't even think that it's sexy either it's just an aesthetic.
Do people actually think that those who like it sit around with their pants off jerking off to it?

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Originally Posted by Svalr

It's like when people rant about how '' boobplate is oversexualized '', like how easily aroused do you have to be to think that's arousing?
I don't even think that it's sexy either it's just an aesthetic.

Why do you think that calling a boob plate oversexualized means someone finds it arousing? I'd expect armor to serve to protect the character, not only by providing a physical barrier, but also by redirecting the force of the blows. With the boob plate, a sword hit would likely end up redirected towards the sternum. So what is the purpose of this design, other than to accentuate the shape and size of the breasts?

For me the "boob plate" simply exemplifies the attitude towards breasts in real life, and how they are sexualized regardless of the context and situation. I've gotten plenty of unwanted comments over the years, in random situations like jogging even, while wearing a ratty sweatshirt. If the boob plate is just "an aesthetics", then I wonder whose point of view it reflects.

Last edited by ash elemental; 07/11/20 08:19 AM.
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"Unless you actively flirt with them and pursue them, Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, even Lae'zel, do not come onto you"
This is simply untrue, no matter how you act or react they will come on to you, sure you can say no but it feels wierd instead of nice because it's forced and in a super unnatural wa.

To me Larian still needs to learn that less can be more.

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Originally Posted by FatePeddler
OP, what CRPGs have you played?

If you look at any CRPGs, or even any Action RPGs, they will have romance scenes.

The Dragon Age series, The Witcher series, Knights of the Old Republic series, and I'm sure cause CDProjeckt Red is working on it, that Cyberpunk 2077 will have romance scenes as well.

It is *not* for horny 13 year old boys. How sexist are you OP?

If you don't want to romance anyone that is your prerogative, but don't complain about it since so many games, and so many gamers like it! >_<

I have played all of them , im 53y old and i also enjoyed most of them, i have no real problem with either nudity, sex or romancing in games, but i do have a problem when i feel its getting forced upon you, right now in BG3 every single character wants to have sex with you, just for the sake of " hey we need to find one for everyones taste" it gets beyond stupid and there is absoloutly no romance building involved its the eqivilant of going to tinder and look for a sexpartner.
I think the romancebuilding and sexcenes was very well done in The witcher wild hunt where you could go to a brothel if you just wanted sex or try to build a romantic realationship with yenneifer feks, but you had to actually work on that instead of every woman or man throwed themselfes at you even if they had a crush on you you actually had to be nice to them. also DA:O and Mass Effect was vey well done in that regard.

Is it Sexists to say that a certain demographic mistakes whats going on on Pornhub for reallife?? (i was a 13y old boy once and i remember what i thought looking at those colored mazines i found in my dads closet) I can point you to several studies that shows that is exactly the case. if your 13y old and not in that boat i apologize for hurting your feelings.
My point is that calling mass banging for romancing is to off touch with reality and for me personally i dont really care for such options because they rarely reassemble anything that could arouse me in any way.
My Question was if the poorly (in my opinion) implemented romancing in BG3 so far is what to expect , i would like to have an option to make my own neutral party.

I am not advocating to remove romanciong options , i am advocating to make them meaningfull, interesting and optional..

Last edited by Ormgaard; 07/11/20 09:37 AM.
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Originally Posted by Ormgaard
I have played all of them , im 53y old and i also enjoyed most of them, i have no real problem with either nudity, sex or romancing in games, but i do have a problem when i feel its getting forced upon you, right now in BG3 every single character wants to have sex with you, just for the sake of " hey we need to find one for everyones taste" it gets beyond stupid and there is absoloutly no romance building involved its the eqivilant of going to tinder and look for a sexpartner.
I think the romancebuilding and sexcenes was very well done in The witcher wild hunt where you could go to a brothel if you just wanted sex or try to build a romantic realationship with yenneifer feks, but you had to actually work on that instead of every woman or man throwed themselfes at you even if they had a crush on you you actually had to be nice to them. also DA:O and Mass Effect was vey well done in that regard.

Is it Sexists to say that a certain demographic mistakes whats going on on Pornhub for reallife?? (i was a 13y old boy once and i remember what i thought looking at those colored mazines i found in my dads closet) I can point you to several studies that shows that is exactly the case. if your 13y old and not in that boat i apologize for hurting your feelings.
My point is that calling mass banging for romancing is to off touch with reality and for me personally i dont really care for such options because they rarely reassemble anything that could arouse me in any way.
My Question was if the poorly (in my opinion) implemented romancing in BG3 so far is what to expect , i would like to have an option to make my own neutral party.

I am not advocating to remove romanciong options , i am advocating to make them meaningfull, interesting and optional..

I completely disagree with you. How can you compare Witcher to BG3 and say that the brothel scenes were more noteworthy? Personally I didn't like the lewd romance scenes in TW3 at all (even though I love the game), as they were more like a blips, than any sort of roleplay.
We don't even have lewd scenes for everyone. The dialogues are there and yes, I would also like some changes to those and how they progress, but for characters like Lae'Zel and Astarion it still makes a lot of sense, that they make a move on you, especially at the party.
I have no idea what do you mean by neutral party? You will be able to have henchmen on full release, that was confirmed. I do not expect those characters will be making any moves on you.

I am sorry if you didn't have great experience in your childhood, but not everyone here is 13 year old kid. Parents need to parents their kids. This is an adult roleplaying game.

“There is only one thing we say to Death:
Not today.
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I'm actually laughing at what happened during your playthrough. They only show horniness after you save the tieflings. What in the world kind of choices did you make to end up with a playthrough like that? LOL None of that has ever happened to me in any of my playthroughs.

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What kinda game are you guys playing? I was playing mostly a good character and basically everybody but Gale and Wyll hated my guts. And when it came to the celebration boning, only Gale was up for it--which is the character I wanted and worked towards anyway. I love romance in rpgs and I'm happy Larian is bringing us interesting characters to explore. Stop throwing tantrums for something that is absolutely optional and many people enjoy just because you don't see the appeal.

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Now your just being silly Vamathi please go troll somwhere else.
Whhere did i even imply i did not have a good childhood? jeez
Where did i even imply that the brothels scenes where more notheworthy in the wicther ???
The brothesls in the witcher was 100% OPTIONAL do you even know what the difference is between a brothel and a romance option?? it appeas not and only reinforces my notion about a certaion demographic wich it could seem your a part of.

A Neutral party , is where i get to make my own travel companions, im perfectly fine with them noit haveing any background story other than the one i make up, im perfectly fine not having to see their approval rating on my decisions, and im perfectly fine with them not wanting to bed me.

You disagree with my intire post thats fine but by doing so you also contradict yourself when you apparently diagree with me on not wanting to remove romantic options?
you read what you want to read and you dont read the whole thing it appears , i suggest you read the actual text and stop putting your own twists on it.

Last edited by Ormgaard; 07/11/20 12:47 PM.
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Originally Posted by Divine Star
I'm actually laughing at what happened during your playthrough. They only show horniness after you save the tieflings. What in the world kind of choices did you make to end up with a playthrough like that? LOL None of that has ever happened to me in any of my playthroughs.

Im not entirely sure TBH basicly i did nothing and i specifily tried to avoid the companions in regards to interacting with them, im totally with you , it made me laugh at one point because it was so silly, i also had a playthrough where Laezel said to me that since i ddint show her some affection she would go play with her self and shed suggest id do the same ???? just plain wierd writing to me.

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Originally Posted by Ormgaard
Originally Posted by Divine Star
I'm actually laughing at what happened during your playthrough. They only show horniness after you save the tieflings. What in the world kind of choices did you make to end up with a playthrough like that? LOL None of that has ever happened to me in any of my playthroughs.

Im not entirely sure TBH basicly i did nothing and i specifily tried to avoid the companions in regards to interacting with them, im totally with you , it made me laugh at one point because it was so silly, i also had a playthrough where Laezel said to me that since i ddint show her some affection she would go play with her self and shed suggest id do the same ???? just plain wierd writing to me.

I'm willing to give the devs the benefit of doubt for now, because at least in my game the dialogues with both companions and some of the npcs are bugged, and do not track the previous conversations and quests properly. Some conversations are looping (e.g. Gale keeps confessing whenever he gets hungry), and some refer to things that haven't happened in the game.

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Originally Posted by ash elemental
Originally Posted by Ormgaard
Originally Posted by Divine Star
I'm actually laughing at what happened during your playthrough. They only show horniness after you save the tieflings. What in the world kind of choices did you make to end up with a playthrough like that? LOL None of that has ever happened to me in any of my playthroughs.

Im not entirely sure TBH basicly i did nothing and i specifily tried to avoid the companions in regards to interacting with them, im totally with you , it made me laugh at one point because it was so silly, i also had a playthrough where Laezel said to me that since i ddint show her some affection she would go play with her self and shed suggest id do the same ???? just plain wierd writing to me.

I'm willing to give the devs the benefit of doubt for now, because at least in my game the dialogues with both companions and some of the npcs are bugged, and do not track the previous conversations and quests properly. Some conversations are looping (e.g. Gale keeps confessing whenever he gets hungry), and some refer to things that haven't happened in the game.

I agree with you, but it's also important to briung things to light in an EA session so that at least they get aware of it, if i say nothing there is a higher chance it will be neglected.
and again i have no problem with whatever they put in the game, i would just really like that some of the things gets put in as OPTIONS, would it really be hard to be able to toggle a switch on/off for romance dialogee? that could solve it and every camp would be happy, same goes for many other things in the game like the endlkess discussion about exploding barrels, a simple options to turn on/off exploding barrels should make everyone happy and it woiuld be like playing the game with difrent gamemasters.

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Originally Posted by Ormgaard
Originally Posted by FatePeddler
OP, what CRPGs have you played?

If you look at any CRPGs, or even any Action RPGs, they will have romance scenes.

The Dragon Age series, The Witcher series, Knights of the Old Republic series, and I'm sure cause CDProjeckt Red is working on it, that Cyberpunk 2077 will have romance scenes as well.

It is *not* for horny 13 year old boys. How sexist are you OP?

If you don't want to romance anyone that is your prerogative, but don't complain about it since so many games, and so many gamers like it! >_<

I have played all of them , im 53y old and i also enjoyed most of them, i have no real problem with either nudity, sex or romancing in games, but i do have a problem when i feel its getting forced upon you, right now in BG3 every single character wants to have sex with you, just for the sake of " hey we need to find one for everyones taste" it gets beyond stupid and there is absoloutly no romance building involved its the eqivilant of going to tinder and look for a sexpartner.
I think the romancebuilding and sexcenes was very well done in The witcher wild hunt where you could go to a brothel if you just wanted sex or try to build a romantic realationship with yenneifer feks, but you had to actually work on that instead of every woman or man throwed themselfes at you even if they had a crush on you you actually had to be nice to them. also DA:O and Mass Effect was vey well done in that regard.

Is it Sexists to say that a certain demographic mistakes whats going on on Pornhub for reallife?? (i was a 13y old boy once and i remember what i thought looking at those colored mazines i found in my dads closet) I can point you to several studies that shows that is exactly the case. if your 13y old and not in that boat i apologize for hurting your feelings.
My point is that calling mass banging for romancing is to off touch with reality and for me personally i dont really care for such options because they rarely reassemble anything that could arouse me in any way.
My Question was if the poorly (in my opinion) implemented romancing in BG3 so far is what to expect , i would like to have an option to make my own neutral party.

I am not advocating to remove romanciong options , i am advocating to make them meaningfull, interesting and optional..

I am 43 years old, and again and again I wonder how do people doesn't understand the concepts both of roleplaying (my toon are monogamous and somehow shy, so all the hornyness and gangbangig, didn't happen in my playthrough) and freedom of choice, I agree that Larian (but a lot of games do that) give not so many choices in dialogue options, and that the fact that all companions now are pansexual (ah i much I loved to play a homosexual toon in Dragon Age Origins who loved Alistaire, the fact that it was an one sided feeling only make the rpg aspect of it more engaging) can feel like a sort of cohercion, but you still have the option to avoid (and its not so complicated or pressing or repetitive as some players seem to find) them.

i play characters of different sexual orientations (fron asexual to pansexual) and is I the one who remains in control, I wanted a toon to fell for Astarion and so I let him to feed with its blood, still my toons made his choices despite what Astarion would like or not and so no romatic options, the same character declined the chance to romance Gale after the weaver cut scene, and didn't even thought of flirting when first met Shadowheart, with this character I ended Early Access without a romanced companio. Next toon, my fighter one, will be straight and fell for Laez'el, but again my dialogue options and the choices him will do wont be so that he can hit the other warrior.

But I plan to made, I dunno if a cleric or a rogue and I don't know if male or female, a pansexual polyamori toon to see if Larian gives the option to romance more than one character at the time.

As you can see choices I made.

The fact that larian gives the option to mass bang doesn't imply a player should do it if they don't feel that way. The more I read this thread the more I can not understand how that's not clear, or how players feel forced when I just ended early access without any romance because roleplaying my toon in a coherent way means he wont bend and change his ways even if it means to him to remain far from his beloved pale elf.

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You are not forced to engage in romance at all, you have the option to say no. If you want to go through the entire game without romancing anyone then you can do so, because it is an option. Just like how Larian has it as an option where the player can bang everyone in the party if s/he wants to. If you want to play a sex crazed player then that is on you or if you want to be celibate and not do that. Then again you have the option, you are not forced to engage in romance at all. I seriously cannot see how other people can not see that romance is "Optional and you can say no" and it doesn't destroy immersion.

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I think a big part of the problem with the romances right now boils down to the fact that all of the companions ACT like they want to sleep with you, even when they don't. In my opinion, it makes sense for Astarion to pursue you regardless of approval, because him and Lae'zel seem to want something more akin to a one-night stand (even if it might develop into something else later).

The problem is that everyone else will act jealous of this, even if they don't have high approval and even if you haven't triggered their previous scenes that are necessary for the romance. Ex. Wyll - he never got along with my character, I had him at neutral, and yet he sounded sad about the fact that I chose to spend the night with someone else. Then when I made the suggestion that he and I could get it on, he turned me down - even though his initial reaction was jealousy.

Same with Gale. His reaction to you spending the night with someone else is the same whether or not you've gotten the weave scene required to trigger his romance. He'll act jealous, then turn you down if you suggest something. Lae'zel's scene about "you'd wish you could sleep with me" was strange too, since she had never been flirty beforehand (only scene I can think of is when she called me "delightful" for betraying Astarion lmao).

I'd think that if Larian rewrote some of the celebration scenes to align more with how the companions actually percieved us (aka not have them sulk about us being with someone else when they don't even like us, except for if it makes sense for the character, I suppose), it'd feel less forced? Maybe add alternate friendship/rival scenes at the party for them, if you haven't met the conditions for their romance or don't have high enough approval.

I think that approval should play a bigger role overall in the interactions. Right now it rarely changes anything (apart from some of Gale's scenes, I think) up until the party. If the companions' responses were to gradually change to more positive/negative as their approval gets higher/lower (ex. when you ask "what do you think of me" to Shadowheart, having her respond "I wouldn't normally hang around you, but you'll do for now" when your approval is very high and the relationship is described as 'best friends' makes no sense to me). The only companion who currently has this is Astarion, and I hope the others will as well, with time.

Overall I'm very fond of the characters and I generally love romance and all kinds of relationships in games, but I have to agree that they feel odd so far in this game, even if I'm enjoying certain aspects of them.

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