On the subject of PoE2 (Pillars of eternity 2 , deadfire) I really think the game is criminally under-rated.
The modding community is very active (this is a super easy game to mod for apparently) Particularly with all the current mods the game feels great (community patch, deadfire tweaks, enhanced user interface, more AI conditions, wizard revisions, The funnening improved classes etc... ) Please give it a chance. Most little nit-pick has basically been addressed. I adore the setting and atmosphere. Only played it in realtime/pause not that clanky <takes forever> turn based mode.
I prefer the music to BG3.
I prefer the atmosphere (realtime day/night cycles, overworld map travel, NPCs reacting to you AND weather and other stuff...etc...)
I prefer the UI and dialogues.
And basically lots and lots of cool little details.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 08/11/20 12:04 AM.