No there is really only the one spontaneous flirty line, one line if you show interest, the tadpole use which tells you she is attracted and the smile that comes with the night orchid comment. But I think with her the few signs of affection is true to type because Shar isn't a goddess of hope and new beginnings she wants her clerics to embrace loss and sorrow. For SH new relationship is threat to the relationship with her goddess.

I can't really speak to Gale because I can't complete a playthrough with him. He just irritates me too much and I either kick him out or abandon the play-through. Perhaps on final release I'll make a half orc barbarian who is blind to his insults and manipulations. Not saying he's badly written but he's like Anomen -- well written and annoying.

Of course I'll have make sure the barbarian never puts on the band of intellect.

It isn't clear if Wyll is actually interested or if his ego is bruised because you didn't approach him. He seems to be in love / hate relationship with his patron and I'm guessing she the thing she asked for but couldn't give was for her to have his child.

I'm all for more dialogue! Give me walls of text. Give me longing, give me eye contact, let me notice her watching me when she thinks I'm not looking, let me notice body language, let me listen for the cadence of her breathing, tone of her voice, notice the hairs on her skin when I approach etc. But to give us more they would need to move the romance out of camp like BG2 did.

And again, the combination of we may die tomorrow but tonight we're heroes doesn't seem like a bad premise to me.

Don't mistake me I'm not a reflexive defender of devs -- I can be pretty critical -- but I kinda like these romances. SH is my favorite and Wyll's story intrigues me.

Last edited by KillerRabbit; 08/11/20 07:02 AM.