How most of the fights in BG1 looked like (at the beginning). 1. Does the opponent have scorers (most fights don't have any)? If not, go to step 4 2. Is the enemy an ordinarykobold, goblin or bandit? If so, just kill. If not, go to step 3. 3. Walk as one character to the opponents to collect aggro. Let the rest of the characters murder them with impunity. 4. Approach as one character, the enemies will start chasing you. Other characters can shoot at them with impunity. 5. If by some miracle the enemy changes target, switch characters and return to point 2 6. The enemy dies. 7. Rest Later, in most of the fights, you didn't even have to worry about any tactics.
Tactics in BG2 1. Use Death Fog 2. If anything survives use explosive skull 3. If the targets are alive, send the pets. 4. Repeat step 2 as necessary. 5. Rest
Tactis used in BG3 (this works on any difficulty btw, unlike what you describe in BG1+2 - you might want to get off easy mode buddy, i can also recommend SCS)
cast Fog step out of fog shoot enemy step into fog hide
wait half an hour for enemies to take their turn repeat the above
doesnt matter what encounter it is or if they have mages etc. Works on anything.