[quote=KillerRabbit]BG3 is impressive. And fun. Make no mistake.
I just want that while implementing a more faithful port of the ruleset. The hag fight is a good example -- I didn't have to use any of the homebrew rules on that fight. I just care about the D&D feel. BG had it, ToEE had it, Pathfinder had it -- BG3 not there yet.
On the need to cheese -- right now there is a problem in the AI that makes the Dror Ragzlin fight tiresome without cheese. When pathfinding fails the AI takes forever to acknowledge that. Same goes for creatures that are afraid and have no actions. So when the rest of the camp goes hostile, the goblins that can't find their way (it's not processing power -- I monitor cpu and its not being used) it takes forever for each goblin to give up and realize they will never figure out how to move away from that pillar. I can make a pot of coffee and scrape the frost off my car windows in the time it takes the game to figure out that goblin #3 is stuck.
Of course I know how to metagame to avoid 'all hostile camp' now. But if didn't it would come down to cheese or boredom.
Its still early access im sure that will be fixed when the final game releases. Id also be surprised if the fog cheese stays in the final game. That is most likely getting fixed aswell. Probably by improving the AI (they will look in the fog for u or smth similar)