Originally Posted by Vamathi
This will be a long one, but I wanted to discuss the hidden symbolism, memories and illusions in early access. And this seems like a good place for lore discussion at the moment... Also thank you so much for compiling this; it helped me look at some lore I missed.

It's not entirely clear, but it definitely seems like we find the combination of factions, companions with stories too great or terrible to share and odd NPC encounters, that is introduced to us in the early access confusing.
Are we under some sort of illusion ourselves? Are we the outsiders? I am loving it, but I am also seeing a lot of hidden symbolism.

Also some mild character spoilers from BG: Descent into Avernus and Curse of Sthrad DnD modules and a lot of game theories and spoilers ahead.
[spoiler]- hag and redcaps - feels like something out of Barovia, but also Kiaransalee during Silence of Lolth;
- Spiders down in the goblin pits, which makes me think of Silence of Lolth (maybe they were the 3 priestesses and Minthara is one of them?)
- this cult of Absolute which seems like a twisted version of something else, but controlled by a group of mindflayers with 'absolute power'
- shadow druids in Silvanus grove
- Zhentarim carrying Iron flask with 'beholder' inside - Manshoon and Xarlandralath possibly; Yeenoghu (gnolls) would still be interested as demons will always try to play each other; but Astarion (possibly related to interests of Vhaeraun) would still want you to take it yourself as it would mean less power for either of the demons
- gnolls that attacked paladin oathbreakers which are hunting down Karlach (link with Yeenoghu, Baphomet and Zariel)
- burning estate attacked by drow and goblins
- gur (monster hunter that is after Astarion) which was used as term form Selune's children very much like nomadic people vistani before dippin in Shadowfell juice.

- fast travel? It might be there just for accessibility, but it makes me sus, especially since they are netherese runes, possibly same magic that also 'saved us'...
- a talking skeleton, which has a divine aspect to him, in our camp
- Astarion thinks it's the tadpole affecting his resilience towards sunlight, I think in fact it might be shadow weave or some netherese magic affecting drow and him and giving them extra resilience
- Edowin asks you to protect his novices, protect them from what, if they are in the service of Absolute? They aren't true souls and they won't question you, they will follow what you say
- dreams seem to be design intent for all classes, even warforged; you can break your head trying to figure out where they are taking us wink

Previously I was also honestly looking at possibility of Sthrad having something to do with this (Barovia is in Domains of Dread so Shadowfell).
Volo (was there for 99 dragons, might be why he can't shut up about them), Jander Sunstar, Minsc and possibly others were in Barovia.
- WotC also dug out Ravenloft character Jander Sunstar for BG: Descent into Avernus, which doesn't make much sense, until you read that he was a vampire and had a past, that could be what Astarion is recalling in his 'dreams' and that is sort of playing out around us, in a twisted way (slavery, Silvanus grove, that supposedly made him mortal elf temporarily, feeding on animals and preying on sleeping bandits). He also has a history with Sthrad where he attempted to kill him. But he was supposed to die in BG: DiA? Well, yes and no - 'his body crumbles in graceful release'. Listen to what Chris says here.
If you want to know more about where I am coming from please take a look at Shadowfell. I also recommend this video. Shadowfell was just recently moved by Shar and it's supposed to echo in a similar way than Feywild.

Related to memories and Shadowfell (and not really wanting vampiric illithid Sthrad to deal with) I also looked into Raven queen potentially affecting our heads.
The Raven Queen was obsessed with collecting and observing mementos and fragments of memories and essences. Many sages speculated that she was in fact insane, believing her methods and behavior little more than aimless curiosity or a desperate attempt to prevent her fragile existence from fading into oblivion. Others maintained that there was a cosmological function that was performed by the Queen's actions, as she purified souls by forcing mortals to deal with their fears and pains. It was believed that her true intentions were only known to the Lady of Pain.
I feel like 'dealing with their fears and pains' could be really applied to all of our companions, especially if you really try to connect with them, they were all hurt, abused or wronged by something for a long time...(black mirror reactions).
- The Raven Queen also has opposition in the demon lord Orcus, which could explain Raphael's or atleast demon's interest in helping us.

'When shadows descend upon the lands, our divine lords will walk alongside us as equals.'

Take a look at Alaundo's prophecies, is this the Shadow prophecy and maybe something else as well?
In the intro we can see the nautiloid flying through something, that looks very similar to how Shadowfell could look.
Lastly listen to what Chris Perkins says here and what the voice in our head says here.

'You see time rewritten. Fate undone.'

Has anyone else had similar observations? What if Early access is just supposed to be a playground, a session 0 if you will?

The game is amazing, but something stinks and I don't think it's my overcooked brain.

"The intrepid heroes after their long fraught journey strike down the corrupted hivemind that has been pulling the strings all along. And as they rejoice the camera slowly pulls back from moonrise tower to reveal it is in fact a minature replica, as the camera pulls out further we see, indeed Moonrise Tower, Baldur's Gate, and all points between are but a exquisitely recreated replica within a child's bauble, a snow globe."

I'm on board but we can get crazy with anything if you question the very nature of existence.

How would all the forgotten gods fit in, and Gale's quest in particular.

I've been treating Netherese magic as an easy way for them to hand wave (literally) some inconvenient rules regarding magic in D&D but I can get behind something weirder

Dealing with your fears and pains plays very well in with the origin characters but what about Cust M. Char?

And how do the Gith fit in?

Last edited by Sozz; 08/11/20 06:56 PM.