Originally Posted by Surface R
The Goblin priestess has no idea about any tadpole. She simply believes she got powers from a new god. She thinks the tadpole is only your character problem, a regular illithid tadpole that will turn you into a mindflayer. When you tell her she has one too she refuses to believe it, says its only your tadpole making you think crazy things because it already eat your mind so you are hallucinating.

There is no direct connection with the absolute that affects that. The Goblin warlord also doesnt reveal any such direct communication with the Absolute. It doesnt seem to communicate directly but only through visions created by the tadpoles while at the same time it hides the existence of tadpoles from infected. The true souls genuinely believe the false story about a new god, the Absolute. Its not a direct control.

The only difference between other true souls and our characters is that our implantation process was cut short so we remained aware of the tadpole. Its possible but unclear if any other higher force was involved in any of that.

Yeah, presumably Tav/The Origin characters would have been mind wiped when they arrived at Moonrise, or even on the Nautiloid had it not been attacked